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Thread: Unadopted Roads

  1. #1
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Exclamation Unadopted Roads

    It's with relief I read the news that the Sefton Park road will finally get a decent repair soon. My little car was damaged recently as it was nearly swallowed by a massive hole.

    But it got me thinking, why are some roads unadopted like the Sefton Park one?

    How does a road become unadopted and can they become 'adopted'?

    Anyone got pictures of these poor roads?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Hello Kev

    One unadopted road that I can remember was off Ullet Road running down toward Sefton Park and I can recall going past on the top deck of the 80 bus and feeling sorry for it!

    I imagine that the number of unadopted roads around Sefton Park must have something to do with the way the park was laid out.

    Found this on a Sunderland site, where they say they have around 250 such unadopted roads and mention a figure of 40,000 unadopted roads nationally---

    What is an unadopted road?

    Unadopted roads, often referred to as private roads, are roads that do not reach the minimum adoptable standards set by the local authority. As such, unadopted roads do not receive any maintenance by councils. Unadopted roads usually consist of a dirt or rubble-track that in many cases do not have basic services such as drainage and street lighting. Although referred to as private, many unadopted roads are also a public thoroughfare and therefore cannot be fenced off or obstructed.

    How and why does the problem of unadopted roads exist?

    It would appear that unadopted roads are a ‘legacy of the past’ something that just ‘came about’ over a period of time and several generations, in the days before planning regulations and Tarmac roads. The problem of unadopted roads continues to exist today because of disagreements between residents and local authorities over the financing of improvements. Many unadopted roads are also plagued by uncertainties/disputes regarding land ownership.

    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
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  3. #3
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Cheers Chris, there's one off Jericho Lane that looks sorry for itself.
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  4. #4
    Guest Gerard's Avatar


    If nobodys got any photies then I'll try and get some (If I think on!!) when I'm down that way Friday.
    In fact if the weathers all Right T'morrer who Knows..
    Any Photie Requests down Sefton Park way..

  5. #5
    Guest Gerard's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by Gerard View Post
    If nobodys got any photies then I'll try and get some (If I think on!!) when I'm down that way Friday.
    In fact if the weathers all Right T'morrer who Knows..
    Any Photie Requests down Sefton Park way..
    Any Photie requests of Anywhere Central and not too far North/South Liverpool just let me know and I'll see what I can do f' yer..

  6. #6
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    As many as u can please gerard. I don't know the location of them, apart from Jericho lane and a few off Wavertree High Street.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member john's Avatar
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    Would Gays be able to adopt roads?

    Sorry I could n't help myself
    " If you know your history, then you would know where you coming from".

    "I could have been a footballer - but I had a paper round"..Yosser Hughes

  8. #8
    Ping Pong victorialush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john View Post
    Would Gays be able to adopt roads?

    Sorry I could n't help myself

    , only if the swear allegiance to the council

  9. #9
    Senior Member john's Avatar
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    " If you know your history, then you would know where you coming from".

    "I could have been a footballer - but I had a paper round"..Yosser Hughes

  10. #10
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    Arnold Grove where George Harrison was born in Wavertree is unadopted so is Albert Grove

  11. #11
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by john View Post
    Would Gays be able to adopt roads?

    Sorry I could n't help myself
    Looooooool John

  12. #12
    Guest theninesisters's Avatar


    My road (on a new estate in Childwall) is unadopted even though it is cared for by the council and is now 14 years old. The builders who finished the houses went bust and didn't register the road - having checked numerous times, the road is still unadopted! This basically means that if I wanted to, I could drive up and down the road uninsured and no copper could pull me up - mind you I've done that many times while shifting my old XR2's around

  13. #13
    Guest Gerard's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by Kev View Post
    As many as u can please gerard. I don't know the location of them, apart from Jericho lane and a few off Wavertree High Street.
    "The location of them"..whats them exactly Kev and I'll get "them" for yer !!..
    Are yer on about Potholes on Wavertree High St !!..Whereabout off the High St if you know mate.
    And what part of Sefton Park Rd..Anywhere with Potholes do yer Lad or just the Culprit that nearly wrecked yer car !!..Where is it !!

  14. #14
    Senior Member billo's Avatar
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    I seem to remember that Hadassah Grove off Lark Lane is unadapted, at one time it was in a very poor state. The residents insisted that the Housing association (CDS) built a large brick wall so that they could not look upon the ''social houses'' being built for the Hesketh Street co op.
    Could be one to photograph,if your down that way.

  15. #15
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerard View Post
    "The location of them"..whats them exactly Kev and I'll get "them" for yer !!..
    Are yer on about Potholes on Wavertree High St !!..Whereabout off the High St if you know mate.
    And what part of Sefton Park Rd..Anywhere with Potholes do yer Lad or just the Culprit that nearly wrecked yer car !!..Where is it !!
    So many questions Gerard, blimey . The road that circulates Sevvy Park (unadopted) is full of pot holes, I dodge 'em every night, those are the ones.

    I drive a pocket rocket, small and perfectly formed

    The unadopted Roads off Wavertree High Street, I don't know the names but I think they are cobbled and run next to the Picton Sports Centre.
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