Because there was no perceived violence in any of the burglaries doesn't mean it can be ruled out. It just might have been that the burglar wasn't caught in the act. I know of cases where violence has been perpetrated by the most unbelievable of suspects...
I don't think it matters in the slightest that he was a Liberal agent. Many people in this world have been party to some of the most inhuman acts irrespective of race, political bent or colour.
No I don't believe for a second that it is a conspiracy between Wallace and Parry, Marsden, Young or Johnston. That is wishful thinking by sensationalists looking for a story to tie it to. It is all pernicious nonsense. We might as well discuss Tom Slemen's belief in the Johnston theory - it is no different. I don't want to say too much as many things I have written on forums down the years have been jumped upon.
I can tell you Ian, Whittington-Egan HAS reneged. I managed to find it last night:

Murder on File: The World's Most Notorious Killers (published in 2005).
Richard and Molly Whittington-Egan

Not only does RW-E say that it wasn’t Parry, he also names Wallace, hence the name of the book.

“Parry’s alibi for the night of the murder did not, as has been previously suggested, depend upon the evidence of his friend Miss Lily Lloyd. His alibis were thoroughly checked and verified by the police, and tests carried out on his clothes and car proved negative. He was, therefore, rightly eliminated.”

I'm sure I also have a letter from RW-E from a few years ago that he sent me re: Parry. I gave it to a friend and am awaiting her response to what it was exactly that he said regarding Parry. I'm sure he mentions it.