I've been reflecting a lot on my visit last week. Our reunion lunch was in a function room and though the food was quite basic (but so was the price) the setting was quite interesting. It's quite an impressive place, especially the lobby up the steps from reception.
Why isn't it in better condition? It's a picture of faded grandeur and you can see what it once must have been like. Brittania have owned the place for years now and though there's been a lot of refurbishment it doesn't go far enough. It's 10 years since I've stayed there and the room was quite good, but the public spaces leave something to be desired.
This hotel should be a flagship for the city, yet seems to be one of the cheaper places to stay in the centre. Are all the new builds really that good?

I was speaking to my brother, as he often has to arrange hotels in town for friends and colleagues. He said the biggest problem was the level of service - that the newer places were much better at it. That is inexcusable. Brittania may not have the big bucks to bring the Adelphi back to its former glory, but they could at least deliver the staff training required to improve levels of service.

Personally, I'd far rather stay in an hotel with a bit of character, rather than a new build. Perhaps others would feel the same if the level of service improved?