Quote Originally Posted by ItsaZappathing View Post
Well what do you think folks ?
My next question would be "do people of Liverpool really care about Mc's Tomb " ?
Quote Originally Posted by wsteve55
Obviously not,looking at the state it's in,though
I'm not sure this is entirely fair. St Andrews Church is undergoing a massive re-development. Structually the building was in appalling shape and serious work has to be done on it, the site has been lagrely cleared of dangerous items underfoot ready for the heritage open days in September.

As for Mackenzie's tomb... it's in pretty good shape really. A bit overgrown but what gravestone over 100 years old isn't?

Also, what could the 'people of Liverpool' really do about the tomb? The land is now owned by the council, Mackenzies tomb is not only a landmark but a civil monument to a very important man. The council would not let it disappear.

We must remember that historically the people of Liverpool did bugger all when St Andrews needed a new roof... it was Edward Mackenzie, William's out-of-town brother who paid for the debt of the church in 1868.