As you may have seen from the local rag, there is plans of demolishing St John the Divine Church in Fairfield.
I'm fed up with the City Council wasting money on things that do nothing for the city while ignoring our gems of the past.
A few of us local historians have got together and I'm now putting a website together to highlight this church as soon as possible before someone does come along with a bulldozer.
It's the same excuse as ever - leave something till it falls down and then demolish - this nearly happened with St James West Derby until the solution was to take down the spire of the church and leave the rest of it!
Anyway - rant over. My question is, does anyone have any information/old/new pictures of this church? I'm going to visit it this week but I want to see if you lot have any information to give so I can put it on the website. Fairfield doesn't get recognised for its history and I feel that the demolition of the church will just add to that.