The last days of Clayton Square 1983
The last days of Clayton Square 1983
Chester: a Virtual Stroll Around the Walls-
The Liverpool Gallery-
The Chester Shop
Chester & Liverpool Guided Walks
I worked in Owen Owens in the 60s and used to go across to The Villiers in my lunchbreak - the best pint in town. Also The Sefton, where Sadie was in residence. Whatever happened to him?
Great pic's, it's amazing how quick you forget these places!
graham nee, handmade stage wear............ classic...... you wouldn't see many business's in town these days like this being able to afford cbd rents
were these pics 83? I can see some sort of foundation posts etc being in place, as I remember the square opened around 88 as i left uk in 89, and it took about 18months to build, anyone got a precise time, in fact I remember going into the skin shop on the corner, not shown closest to the market to buy a crap sheepy ( pigskincoat) ( crackling with buttons) around 87
thanks mate, my memory is not tooooo bad after all. thanks
excellent memories there.
Can't believe it's that long ago. Feel old now.
Proud Scouser, with a dabbling of Welsh and Irish.
bore yourself silly at my Flickr page...anorak central!
You're all quite right- I took these in 1986 not 83. Was reading the back of the wrong print...
Chester: a Virtual Stroll Around the Walls-
The Liverpool Gallery-
The Chester Shop
Chester & Liverpool Guided Walks
I was back home on holiday later that year (1986), Cases St was boarded up then and they had started demolition. I used to drink on Cases St all the time, mostly in Egerton's. So it was heartbreaking to see the street (or most of it) being torn down.
I took some photos, I'll have to dig 'em out and scan them.
A small belief can mean you'll never walk alone
A small belief can mean you'll never walk alone