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Ahh I didn't even know Sadie had died, but not surprised having lost all the rest around there, Val Blundell ( Swan/Marlborough/Peppers ) Clive from the Swan ( and Joan who used to cook ), all nice people.
That block included the 147 at the back too, because one night it was Peeing down and Sadie let a gang of us through into the 147 from either Nightriders or the Wilsons there was a connecting door, but I can't recall which building.
Yes you wouldn't think a Gay Bar sandwiched between the 2 biker places wouldn't work would you? But in all my time drinking there, I never heard of any trouble between them.
I also remember going into Nightriders before it was a biker place. It was a skinhead hangout and its name was something to do with Scotland?
Wracking my brains and getting 'Swinging Sporran'? but not sure, that was a long time ago, and only went there to see a band ( can't even remember bands name ) but I was in Leathers and the skins gave me no hassle then either.
In the words of Foz "Happy Days"