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Thread: Liverpool's Streetscape

  1. #1
    Senior Member AK1's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Angry Liverpool's Streetscape

    I don't know about anyone else but I am fed up of the chronic underinvestment in our streetscape outside the city centre. I mean things such as paving, road surfaces and lighting.
    If you go into town nearly all the areas have great lighting and paving etc but as soon as you leave there are pot holes and rubbish lighting everywhere. Even the more affluent areas of the city have these problems. There is too much focus on the city centre for when all the 'tourists' come, but what about us, what about the people of Liverpool who have to live with the fact that much of the city is a no- go area at night and that mile after mile of our roads are in a terrible state. Side roads are even worse, some near me haven't been tarmaced for decades or have patches of uneven tarmac all over the place.

  2. #2
    Guest kat2's Avatar


    I think the idea is to draw new business and investment into the area, that will hopefully have a knock on effect. There are many regeneration plans for areas such as kensington, ect that is unless the residents of the area put blocks on it and hold the council and private sector to randsom. You know the routine, its the community, "honest", now knocking down all these lovely decrepid old houses that everyone wants! When councils and regeneration partners look into various areas they look at several aspects, such as can the community support itself, "meaning whats the employment in that area like", they then look into what is termed as a feasbility study, meaning how many years it would take to see a return on their investment. You may say whats that got to do with lighting and paving, well, theres no point in doing them if the areas in question may be subject to feasbility and partnership studys. If they get the investment in the city center and new business's set up, which draws more employment = More new housing and regeneration.
    Look at it another way, how much cash do you think the council would have left if it started on the suberbs first, taking into account that every home owner, goes on television and says its the community you know, now cross my palm with more silver, ah, a community destroyed and all these lovely derlick homes see that art! no seriously the council would have nothing to show for its money if it invested outside the city center first.
    I think personally despit the odd hicup they appear to be getting it right but like all things time will tell.

  3. #3
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    Park Road and Mill Street have been very well 'done up' recently, so it's not all in the city centre.

  4. #4
    Senior Member AK1's Avatar
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    I understand that they have to focus on the CC in order to generate revenue etc, but I'm talking about the day to day maintenance that the council seem to be neglecting. Even in areas of wealth there are the same problems and I don't see why. I know that improvements have been made and are being made, but I think they still have a long way to go before they meet the standards of other cities.

  5. #5
    Guest kat2's Avatar


    ** try walking around parts of Manchester around gorton, or Leeds but keep your eyes on the ground you just might fall down a pot hole! seems to be all over not just Liverpool. If you watched the local news they did a feature on it the other day. But, like I said it would be false economey if they repaired and installed new street lighting colums do you know how much it costs to put a new street lighting colum up? around £800 and that was eight years ago.
    I think yes there are grot spots but every city has them

  6. #6
    Senior Member AK1's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    It just seems to me that Liverpool has alot of grot spots that could be easily spruced up. Alot of rubbish paving is actually down to utility companies who do rubbish patching up jobs when they have finished their work. They should also be made more accountable.

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