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Thread: Waste of Tax Payers Money!

  1. #1
    Guest theninesisters's Avatar

    Default Waste of Tax Payers Money!

    Sorry if it's in the wrong area Kev

    Had a meeting tonight with the locals, local Plod and the residents of our estate in Childwall to discuss the Anti-Social problem on the Loop Line which backs on to our houses (well not mine).

    After getting nowhere all night but having a good discussion, 3 local councillors turned up.

    Two of them sat there like stuffed lemons and didn't say a word, didn't take notes and weren't arsed. The one chap that got up didn't have a clue about the area and bored the arse off everyone about what he should do. It was up to me to tell him exactly who owned what piece of land and that Sustrans actually owned the Loop Line and that the Council could be liable for legal action if they started putting up fences where they wanted.

    You pay your tax to put your faith in the local councillors and it's no wonder this city is in such a state with the people who lead the board yet haven't a clue what's actually going on around them.

  2. #2
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jona76 View Post
    Sorry if it's in the wrong area Kev

    Had a meeting tonight with the locals, local Plod and the residents of our estate in Childwall to discuss the Anti-Social problem on the Loop Line which backs on to our houses (well not mine).

    After getting nowhere all night but having a good discussion, 3 local councillors turned up.

    Two of them sat there like stuffed lemons and didn't say a word, didn't take notes and weren't arsed. The one chap that got up didn't have a clue about the area and bored the arse off everyone about what he should do. It was up to me to tell him exactly who owned what piece of land and that Sustrans actually owned the Loop Line and that the Council could be liable for legal action if they started putting up fences where they wanted.

    You pay your tax to put your faith in the local councillors and it's no wonder this city is in such a state with the people who lead the board yet haven't a clue what's actually going on around them.

    What about the 'urban areas' section?
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  3. #3
    Guest theninesisters's Avatar


    Aye stick it in there sir! I've contacted the Echo over this but didn't go too overboard with the councillors posting - I'll save that for my letter to the Council

  4. #4
    Member bigpab's Avatar
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    If there anything like our local councillors there only interested in you when an election is coming up! As Billy Connelly once said "Dont vote for politicians it only encourages them" and "anyone who aspires to political power should be banned for life from ever having any" My case rests.

  5. #5
    Guest theninesisters's Avatar


    Well I've fired off an E-mail after receiving the local 'Labour News' dropped in the letterbox in which this counillor claimed that they were doing their 'utmost' to get the situation resolved. If 'utmost' was to appear at a meeting late, look bored, take no notes and have no real grasp of the situation then I'd rather vote for Maggie Thatcher again.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jona76 View Post
    Aye stick it in there sir! I've contacted the Echo over this but didn't go too overboard with the councillors posting - I'll save that for my letter to the Council
    If you have the time to post the two letters on here please do so, Jona, I for one am interested in what you have to say.
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  7. #7
    Guest theninesisters's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by A. D. Williams View Post
    If you have the time to post the two letters on here please do so, Jona, I for one am interested in what you have to say.
    I didn't keep the letter to the Echo - I never do seeing as they're not interested in anything other than Football. Soon as I've perfected me letter to the council inclusive of maps and the like then I'll post it up here

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