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Thread: Fairfield/Newsham park area

  1. #1
    Senior Member christy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Fairfield/Newsham park area

    Does anybody know what is happening with the large Victorian terrace facing the Police club on Prescot road. These back onto some large Victorian semis in tha park itself, some of which have been demolished (there was a fire a while ago in one and a man died)

    I originally thought the few empty ones were so because of the usual reasons of area X bad landlords but over the past year, the tinned up houses that were just every so often in the terrace have now joined up. There now seems to be only a couple of tennants left with 95% of the houses empty and it appears to part of some sort of strategy to empty the terrace and demolish or refurb them. These are very substantial houses and although nothing out of the ordinary or architecturally outstanding, they do have a scale and proportion that would be a loss if they were demolished.

    Last edited by christy; 01-27-2007 at 01:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    I believe(but i may be wrong) that they want to demolish them to make way for the new road. not certain though.

  3. #3
    Senior Member christy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Cheers, If its true, wonder where that will go? New wendy houses on the edge of the park?

  4. #4
    Senior Member AK1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I read a while ago that most of them are going to be refurbished. It is part of a much larger plan to improve prescot road which will include the widening of the road, new crossings and environmental improvements.

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