Originally Posted by
The Teardrop Explodes
How long do you think we're going to have to put up with this uneccesary no-mans-land between city and waterfront? I
know there have been tentative investigations into the viability of sinking it in to a tunnel and the like, but there must be a point coming with all the
investment coming into the area whereby we just might be able to afford to do it? If we don't do something soonish we'll have to wait for the next 'boom'
who knows when?
I just imagine how valuable a strip of prime waterfront real estate might be created if we say, halved the width of it from the Baltic
to the Princes. We could earmark the land for an independently occupied developement of locally-owned, Ramblas-style 24hour entertainment...or
I suppose the creation of the new bus terminal throws in a spanner in the works like.