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Thread: There must be some dust in my eye

  1. #1

    Default There must be some dust in my eye

    While having a trawl about looking for my next 'victim' I came across this piece. It talks about a scouser who wasn't showered in fame or celebrity but IMHO is more deserving of a place here than many.

    I have an (undeserved) reputation a big hard ass ruffy tuffy ex serviceman, so I am sure that it must have been a speck of dust that made my eyes water when I read this. As a dad of daughters I can not even begin to imagine the way this man feels, but thank him for putting a life well lived down on paper for all to celebrate one of lifes heroes.

  2. #2
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Ditto. When are they gonna bring our boys and girls home. This is a sick waste of a young girls life. Tragic.

  3. #3
    Keeping It Real !!!!!!!!! ItsaZappathing's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by baloffski View Post
    While having a trawl about looking for my next 'victim' I came across this piece. It talks about a scouser who wasn't showered in fame or celebrity but IMHO is more deserving of a place here than many.

    I have an (undeserved) reputation a big hard ass ruffy tuffy ex serviceman, so I am sure that it must have been a speck of dust that made my eyes water when I read this. As a dad of daughters I can not even begin to imagine the way this man feels, but thank him for putting a life well lived down on paper for all to celebrate one of lifes heroes.
    Wow, I too got dust im my eye. More like a brick though.
    What a brave girl. What a loving father. What a very sad loss.

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