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Thread: Birkenhead & The River Streets

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ross08's Avatar
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    Default Birkenhead & The River Streets

    One of the most deprived areas in the country, the River Streets in the Birkenhead Docklands...

    Tees Street and the surrounding area was once the subject of a Granada documentary highlighting the mass unemployment that had become synonymous with Birkenhead.

    Tees Street Isn't Working - YouTube

    When the programme was made in the eighties, Tees Street had only one resident with a job. The rest were - and in many cases continue to be - unemployed...

    Below, one house remains in Ilchester Road. The occupant has been fighting to save his home from demolition.

    Vast numbers of houses in the area have already been knocked down.

    In the past many local residents were employed by factories and ship-building companies, such as Cammell Laird. Today, the work simply isn't there. The River Streets are still 'not working'.

    Here we see one of the local pubs - the New Dock - which, along with the adjoining tenement block, now awaits demolition.

    A number of other Birkenhead pubs have also closed in recent times...

    More photos soon...
    Last edited by Ross08; 12-25-2008 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Fantastic views Ross, many thanks for sharing them . A part of over the water I certainly have never seen before.
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  3. #3
    Location Kensington drone_pilot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ross08 View Post

    Here we see one of the local pubs - the New Dock - which, along with the adjoining tenement block, now awaits demolition.
    "This pub in the 60's had the nick name of the blood tub, as at the weekend the blood used to flow out of the door due to the dockers fighting."

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross08 View Post
    A number of other Birkenhead pubs have also closed in recent times...

    When i was a kid my dad was the Manager of a pub called the Raven Hotel which was on Exmouth St and i used to go swimming in livingstone st Bath's which was across the road from this pub.
    multi multa; nemo omnia novit

  4. #4
    Senior Member edwardo's Avatar
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    Do You Have any fotos of westmorland road please.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Ross08's Avatar
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    Where abouts do you mean? Is this Wallasey?

    If you do want any photos from the Wirral, then I can take them whenever.

  6. #6
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Great pictures Ross. I think all that area has been demolished now. Even the Kwik Save has gone. The Blood Tub was certainly well named. It was a mad house in the seventies. Also there was one on the corner of Tees Street, I think it was called The Graving Dock? If I remember correctly, at one time it was owned by a guy off the telly who had a talking dog. Dog never said owt to me, so it was probably smart too. All around the River Streets used to erupt in a frenzy on Bonfire Night. The firemen used to get bombarded with all sorts. Even the older guys used to come out of the pubs to enjoy the frenzy. I think most of the pubs have gone now from this area.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by drone_pilot View Post
    "This pub in the 60's had the nick name of the blood tub, as at the weekend the blood used to flow out of the door due to the dockers fighting."
    I was told that (as well as its general fighting history) the pub originally got its name because, around the time of Pearl Harbour, there were some vessels with US & Japanese merchant sailors docked in Birkenhead, fired up by recent events, they ended up in a bloody fight at the pub.

    (I've no evidence for this, but it's a good story!)

  8. #8
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeMcG View Post
    I was told that (as well as its general fighting history) the pub originally got its name because, around the time of Pearl Harbour, there were some vessels with US & Japanese merchant sailors docked in Birkenhead, fired up by recent events, they ended up in a bloody fight at the pub.

    (I've no evidence for this, but it's a good story!)
    I've not heard of that story before, but I like it. This area has always been very poor and run down, even when the Dock Cottages were there. There's a lot of regeneration now in the StJames and Hoylake Road area, with the building of new houses.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by drone_pilot View Post
    "This pub in the 60's had the nick name of the blood tub, as at the weekend the blood used to flow out of the door due to the dockers fighting."

    When i was a kid my dad was the Manager of a pub called the Raven Hotel which was on Exmouth St and i used to go swimming in livingstone st Bath's which was across the road from this pub.
    The manager of the Livingston for number of years was John Willy Parker of EFC.

  10. #10
    Member JackBurton's Avatar
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    Thank you for posting. I'll be staying in Birkenhead on my visit. It's interesting to learn some of the demographic history of the area. I do have an interest in cataloguing urban decay as well.

  11. #11
    Pablo42 pablo42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackBurton View Post
    Thank you for posting. I'll be staying in Birkenhead on my visit. It's interesting to learn some of the demographic history of the area. I do have an interest in cataloguing urban decay as well.
    If you're interested in urban decay, go from Rock Ferry to Tranmere, into town and then down the North End. Finish on the Ford Estate. Shame what's happened around these areas.

  12. #12
    Member JackBurton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pablo42 View Post
    If you're interested in urban decay, go from Rock Ferry to Tranmere, into town and then down the North End. Finish on the Ford Estate. Shame what's happened around these areas.
    Thanks for the info. I'd love to get any and all information on the histories and demographic makeup of streets & neighborhoods which I'll be exploring. Perhaps you wouldn't mind lending some help in that department?

    As of now, the streets and areas you mention might as well be in Greece for me. As I familiarize myself with the town, however, it would be of great interest. I'll be in town next Friday, busy over the weekend with a jaunt to Bristol, but will be ready to hit the bricks the following week.

  13. #13
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Hi Jack,
    you said "ready to hit the bricks",but unfortunately,in some areas,the bricks just might hit you! Take some care!

  14. #14
    Member JackBurton's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up Steve.

    One thing I pride myself on is the ability to move amongst different groups of people and be accepted by them. Friends tell me this doesn't happen much with English folks, as they stick within more defined classes. I don't know if that's true, but that's what someone has told me. I do understand that my accent (or lack thereof) may hinder me with some of the more narrow minded folks, so will have to figure out when it's best to just bite my tongue.

    I've found body language says a lot. Don't carry yourself like a victim and don't look for trouble. Generally that has worked out for me.

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