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Thread: Hunt Royale [exploration of the historical boundaries of the Royal Park of Toxteth]

  1. #1
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Default Hunt Royale [exploration of the historical boundaries of the Royal Park of Toxteth]

    This looks fun...........

    Sunday 30 November 2008 2pm

    Hunt Royale

    On Sunday 30th of November Pool presents Hunt Royale, an exploration of the historical boundaries of the Royal Park of Toxteth.

    Pool has explored the Royal Hunting Park for a number of years, promoting a different vision of Liverpools history. With Hunt Royale we see a new and fun way of telling the citys story by running one of King Johns 13th Century Deer Hunts through 21st Century Toxteth.

    Join the hunt and see who can bag the most of our herd of Oh Dear. Tackle the course by foot, bicycle or horse and carriage at the launch of a new programme of walks that ask you to solve clues in order to reveal the citys history.

    The Royal Hunting Park is the area bounded historically by Upper Parliament Street, Smithdown Road, Ullet Road and along the Waterfront in the area now known as Sefton Street. Tackling this route today one might expect to find a concrete jungle but investigate further and you may get one or two surprises. . .


    King John's Hunting Lodge
    Last edited by Kev; 11-29-2008 at 10:03 AM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member taffy's Avatar
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    Default Not the real boundaries of historic Toxteth

    Oh dear they have the boundaries of historical Toxteth all wrong. What about Sefton Park, Aigburth Vale, Otterspool Park and all that delightful area bounding Smithdown Rd and Penny Lane.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    Yep. Many think Toxteth was only Liverpool 8. Paul Christian of, when he had it up and running, traced the boundary in detail. He even found it ran through the back room of the Royal pub in Smithdown Rd. Most of Penny Lane is in Toxteth.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member macateb's Avatar
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    This event only mentions the boundary of the 'Royal Park of Toxteth', not the whole of Toxteth.

    Or was the whole of Toxteth classed as a park at one time?

  5. #5
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macateb View Post
    This event only mentions the boundary of the 'Royal Park of Toxteth', not the whole of Toxteth.

    Or was the whole of Toxteth classed as a park at one time?
    Hi macateb

    I believe we have extablished before that the boundary of the historical Royal Park of Toxteth extended further than what today is called Toxteth. We are talking about ancient boundaries versus local jurisdictional boundaries established in the nineteenth century long after the royal park was disaforrested and begun to be farmed.

    Still even if the organizers of this event are not using to the full the area that the park historically covered, this would appear to me to be a fun and educational event to spread awareness and knowledge of our historical heritage. I welcome it for that reason.

    All the best

    Last edited by ChrisGeorge; 11-29-2008 at 07:40 PM.
    Christopher T. George
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