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Thread: Eldon Grove...What A Waste

  1. #91
    Liverpool Photographer Gerard Fleming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhilipG View Post
    ...However, a fortnight ago, somebody smelling of drink asked to look at my photos...
    Thats that then..... everybody whos had a drink is after your camera...

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilipG View Post
    I just knew he wanted to grab my camera.

    You mean you actually walked out of that quiet unpoliced area away from this person that was that close to you you could smell the drink... and walked away with your camera still in your posession... ?

    and you just knew this person was going to grab it...?
    a person who knows the area as he was walking past you..?
    a person that could have grabbed your camera knowing he could get away
    down one of the streets to his house or a house of friends...?

    And this person knowing all this in a very quiet area that you knew wanted your camera
    just let you walk away with it ?

    Wow... what a lucky escape..!
    Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images

  2. #92
    Keeping It Real !!!!!!!!! ItsaZappathing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerard Fleming View Post
    Thats that then..... everybody whos had a drink is after your camera...

    You mean you actually walked out of that quiet unpoliced area away from this person that was that close to you you could smell the drink... and walked away with your camera still in your posession... ?

    and you just knew this person was going to grab it...?
    a person who knows the area as he was walking past you..?
    a person that could have grabbed your camera knowing he could get away
    down one of the streets to his house or a house of friends...?

    And this person knowing all this in a very quiet area that you knew wanted your camera
    just let you walk away with it ?

    Wow... what a lucky escape..!
    Wow...amazing...what a hero. PMSL.
    Sniff up...smell that...smells like Bull**** to me

  3. #93
    Member PhilipG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerard Fleming View Post
    Thats that then..... everybody whos had a drink is after your camera...

    You mean you actually walked out of that quiet unpoliced area away from this person that was that close to you you could smell the drink... and walked away with your camera still in your posession... ?

    and you just knew this person was going to grab it...?
    a person who knows the area as he was walking past you..?
    a person that could have grabbed your camera knowing he could get away
    down one of the streets to his house or a house of friends...?

    And this person knowing all this in a very quiet area that you knew wanted your camera
    just let you walk away with it ?

    Wow... what a lucky escape..!

    Thank you for your reply.

  4. #94
    Liverpool Photographer Gerard Fleming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaZappathing View Post
    Wow...amazing...what a hero. PMSL.
    Sniff up...smell that...smells like Bull**** to me

    Sniff up !!!..

    Ha haaaaaaa.... love it John....ohhhhhhhhhh my aching sides...pmsl..
    Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images

  5. #95
    Senior Member John Doh's Avatar
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    What puzzles me is why a person who apparently cares so passionately about the waste of resources, whether related to energy use, theft from property, or vandalism -- and who claims to have witnessed it going on for such a lengthy period, never actually got around to doing something about it. If I lived in the area where this kind of thing was happening, I would have got on to the Corpy within a day or two and demand that something were done. It doesn’t ring true somehow…

    And why would that person feel the need to harangue anyone who doesn't automatically accept everything he says? It doesn't make for a good dialogue if members are expected to apologise to each other all the time. It seems fair enough to expect that people fall out from time to time, but this is at least the third time this particular kind of aggression has arisen on recent Threads involving this same member. I find it difficult to believe that he isn't looking for a fight. Maybe I'm alone in feeling this sense of disquiet... but at least I feel I can say this knowing that I won't be upsetting that person, given that he won't be reading this... I suppose that no-one else feels able to comment though?

  6. #96
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerard Fleming View Post
    I come and go when I want Linda... I take pics there regularly and have never had a problem..
    just like others on here that have been there several times and had no problem..

    not that I expect a certain person to come out and back me up on that...
    that would be asking too much..

    I find in life Linda people treat you like you treat them...
    as I say.... the kids in that area are good kids.
    and the older people as well

    You can take that from me...
    they are doing what people would do in any area.
    If Gerard means me then in this instance I would have to say he is correct. I didn't expect any aggro when I and the others went there the other week and neither would I expect any aggro if I went there alone whether anyone I came across was known to me or not.

    I've been approached when taking photos in Toxteth and the Dingle though and thought oh ho but all turned out to be ok and they we're genuinely interested that someone should be taking a photo of buildings they pass every day probably without giving them a second glance - except for a lad that shouted 'Hey don't be taking a photo of me' as he emerged from some flats when I would have had to have been physic to know he was going to emerge like that.

    Personally, I thought the gates were open to Eldon Grove that Sunday because workmen were about somewhere. Someone, somewhere must have reported it then as they're locked again now.

    I agree it all got a bit silly a few posts ago but a wind up was admitted and an apology given so as was said, let's move on.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  7. #97
    georgie t
    Guest georgie t's Avatar


    that was no wind up m8 he seems to have some issues with explorers just because i said something he didnt like in reply to his comment

  8. #98
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Well I for one am glad of your photos on this thread.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

  9. #99


    I feel dizzy and confused now ! What happened here ? Threats and testosterone flying everywhere , tag teams .. fights ....
    It's ridiculous . People look in here as a point of reference for photos and stories such as this . Hey Kev i think the nasty comments and fighting need to disappear from this thread . It's an insult to the poster and to all of those who have made a positive contribution to it .
    You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
    Malcolm X

  10. #100
    Senior Member John Doh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgie t View Post
    that was no wind up m8 he seems to have some issues with explorers just because i said something he didnt like in reply to his comment
    You shouldn't take it personally, or take it as a slight on explorers. We have a somewhat touchy member here who seems to be capable of picking several squabbles on a single Thread, all within the space of an hour or two. (See Post No.95). Trouble is, it usually results in the Thread being closed down and the contents lost, which is a shame. But I don't think the answer is to ingratiate ourselves with him; so long as nobody loses their temper we should be all right to say what we think.

  11. #101
    georgie t
    Guest georgie t's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by John Doh View Post
    You shouldn't take it personally, or take it as a slight on explorers. We have a somewhat touchy member here who seems to be capable of picking several squabbles on a single Thread, all within the space of an hour or two. (See Post No.95). Trouble is, it usually results in the Thread being closed down and the contents lost, which is a shame. But I don't think the answer is to ingratiate ourselves with him; so long as nobody loses their temper we should be all right to say what we think.

  12. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by John Doh View Post
    You shouldn't take it personally, or take it as a slight on explorers. We have a somewhat touchy member here who seems to be capable of picking several squabbles on a single Thread, all within the space of an hour or two. (See Post No.95). Trouble is, it usually results in the Thread being closed down and the contents lost, which is a shame. But I don't think the answer is to ingratiate ourselves with him; so long as nobody loses their temper we should be all right to say what we think.
    And here you are starting it up again ?
    I'm sure that the men on here are quite capable of speaking up for themselves , they don't need a shop Stewart !
    Again this site is run and owned by Kev , who incidentally Kev , it would be nice if you were to intervene now and again by way of moderation .

    You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
    Malcolm X

  13. #103
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennylane View Post
    And here you are starting it up again ?
    I'm sure that the men on here are quite capable of speaking up for themselves , they don't need a shop Stewart !
    Again this site is run and owned by Kev , who incidentally Kev , it would be nice if you were to intervene now and again by way of moderation .
    Just a few things..........

    1) I will do when I feel it's appropriate. I can pull a thread without warning and without explanation if I wish.
    2) This isn't my full time job, although at times like this it surely feels like. It's just as stressfull.
    3) My full time job is very time consuming and stressfull and takes up most of my time.
    4) I have small children at home.

    Yo! is a free site and will always remain that so long as people want it and use it for its intended purpose. Liverpool past, present and future. We may have a few blips along the way and have doine in the past but we always get through them because of the support of the community, ie you.

    Here is a community that I set up selflessly with the aim of changing people's perceptions of Liverpool and Liverpool people. I can't underestimate its impact on the internet. Its been huge.

    I dont visit any other Liverpool site but the feedback suggests, mine is propbably the most popular Liverpool website out there. It remains a free open resource that we all have contributed to in one way or another.

    As posted on another thread, [plus if you want the site to have a future ] keep it polite/ friendly and keep it on topic.


    Just to add also, Geogies pics are fab and I enjoy looking at them, many more do and long may they continue.....there are many many other people who contribute with pics too, I enjoy them all as do visitors and members. Let's not give them the wrong impression of our community!
    Last edited by Kev; 02-04-2011 at 07:06 AM.
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  14. #104
    Liverpool Photographer Gerard Fleming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennylane View Post
    And here you are starting it up again ? ...
    Thanks pennylane for saying that...
    I see John Dohs comment on post 95 as soon as I come on here before logging on... what can In do ?..I've got him on ignore and I wont be repyling.... it seems to me that some people just dont want to move on, we've had our little wind ups, I've been guilty as much as anyone but isn't it about time this nut let it go... is this chap a bit retarded or something ?, he has this thing about highlighting what I keep saying and mention I'm looking for trouble.... he seems to be obsessed with me...(Jeassssssssus... I hope he's not one of them pimply faced 43 year old virgin internet dweeb mummys boy nutcases.....thats all I need, a weirdo on me case....)

    Notice he likes pointing out a lot that I'm annoying people deliberately ?
    .....anybody notice the silly games he is playing ?...whats all this about below...which I've ignored..let him get on with it, people are not stupid,
    they can see who is trying, and who is here just to sh it stir...

    Another sarcastic John Doh reply.. to my Luciana Berger photograph..
    Doing well isn't he ?....
    in playing his part in keeping all this going that we are all fed up with.
    no mention of this though when he keeps going on about me..

    Quote Originally Posted by John Doh View Post
    ...You mentioned Luciana Berger speach...
    I can't actually hear any speech...

    Quote Originally Posted by pennylane View Post
    ...Again this site is run and owned by Kev , who incidentally Kev , it would be nice if you were to intervene now and again by way of moderation .

    I've complained to Kev about John Doh since he defaced my photograph and removed the copyright mark...
    I'm sure Kev will eventually see John Doh now thinks he can say what he wants because he was allowed to deface my photograph and get away with it...

    If he can deface peoples photos and get away with it then no wonder he has this untouchable feeling about himself..
    Liverpool Days... << my website of Liverpool images

  15. #105
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev View Post
    I dont visit any other Liverpool site but the feedback suggests, mine is propbably the most popular Liverpool website out there. It remains a free open resource that we all have contributed to in one way or another.

    As posted on another thread, [plus if you want the site to have a future ] keep it polite/ friendly and keep it on topic.


    Just to add also, Geogies pics are fab and I enjoy looking at them, many more do and long may they continue.....there are many many other people who contribute with pics too, I enjoy them all as do visitors and members. Let's not give them the wrong impression of our community!
    Hear hear and with 149 users currently on line - there were 480 at any one time one day last year and with 3738 visitors over a 24 hour period in the last 24 hours - there were 5044 over a 24 hour period 2 weeks ago, I think what you're saying bears truth.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

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