I love the new museum building but think the apartment bocks are so out of place and ordinary. The museum is diferent and an individual iconic design that once built will be appreciated more. The apartments are such a waste of the site. The only good thing about them is the use of contrasting materials in relation to the '3 graces'. People who ask for buildings using the same materials don't seem to get the fact that this would actually detract from the 4 buildings by blending them in with obviously boring new pastiche rubbish. Modern iconic buildings are required for sites like this to make both the new build and the old stand on their own merits.. The housing trust building on commutation row is a perfect example of a boring post modern/pastiche piece of boring building that is a waste of a prime city site. You do not get people in Berlin or Barcelon asking for pastiche buildings to fit in with surroundings and the cities are the better for it.