Hello folks!

It?s been some months since I have been on the forum. To those of you who remember me, I have been involved in collating and archiving a history of the Shrewsbury Boys Club (as was,) it is now known as the ?Shewsy?.

Based in Everton, the club has been running since 1903.

Several old boys and myself (who where members during the fifties) get together each Friday morning to input photos and information on to computer. There is a wealth of information from the early years up to the present day. There are many newsletters relating to the war years with some detailed information of the blitz in 1941. I have been scanning many of the photos onto my computer at home (hence my absence on the forum). We hope to put out a DVD of old photos, to raise money for the club. Anyone born in or from the Everton district, or anyone who had parents or grandparents from Everton who went to the club, will find a memory or two.

Some photographs of slum clearance in and around the area between Great Homer Street and Netherfield Road may be of interest; I will try and put some on the forum at a later date.

Cheers - Samp