Quote Originally Posted by Waterways View Post
No prejudice. People not even stopping in the city and using the airport to go elsewhere, may not be such a benefit to the people of the city - It may be to Peel the owners. Manchester based. We need a direct airport link for sure. The priority in rail should be the centre and the inner city, which it can make most impact for least money. .
Where will people go from Liverpool airport? It is no hub. It's a destination. If you make your city competitive and available, you will attract business. let's say you have many millions to spend on the relocation of a major international bank bring in many more millions of secondary investment and making any city you go to a better place to be. Which would you choose - Liverpool afraid of outsiders or Manchester with the welcome mat out? QED

Quote Originally Posted by Waterways View Post
It is, but what great benefit is it to the people of the city? Historic docks filled in to make char-banc park for outside companies to make money from. The local councilor that covered Kings Dock was totally against the scheme, wanting residential and leisure development that benefit the people and get them living around the quays. I agreed with him.

The money making part, the arena could have been on the ranshakle businesses on the land side of the Kings/Queens Docks

Liverpool should follow Amsterdam and Hamburg, where people live around the quays in vibrant communities together with appealing leisure facilities. Toxteth and Harrington Docks are how not to use redundant docks. .
If you haven't been or know of the revitalised docks in Sydney, Cape Town or Baltimore or any other of these stellar success stories - just say so. In all of these places and yes including Amsterdam and Hamburg (on a smaller scale) 'people live around the quays in vibrant communities together with appealing leisure facilities'.

Quote Originally Posted by Waterways View Post
Or learn from the successes, which don't do what Liverpool is doing. Liverpool just does what Peel want to do. They keep referring to Central Docks. What docks? There are few docks left there now. Like Kings Dock just large areas of filled-in water space. And there will be fewer when they fill in West Waterloo.
Liverpool was a basket-case before 1999. Everything that has been achieved thus far within the city boundaries has been achieved without Peel. Peel is a great opportunity that is at the start of the road. But being outsiders, we should turn them away and let them invest in anywhere other than here because they are 'Manchester-based'. Perhaps you should learn from Manchester's successes and embrace the outsider.