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Thread: Ringo Starr should be ashamed

  1. #1

    Default Ringo Starr should be ashamed

    Just seen this arrogant ***** on Johnaton Ross with not a good word to say about this city, if this is the case why did the knob come to the opening, i'll tell you why cause he was the least liked beatle and no one realy cares less about him, and to boot his performance was ****e and his new songs. He should not be welcomed to take any further part in this celebration with his fake yankee accent.

  2. #2
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    Rather harsh.
    He admits he's been away from Liverpool for 40 years, and doesn't recognise most places, which is a fair comment.
    I've lived in Liverpool for 40 years, but wasn't born here and have a 'fake' Scouse accent, like Ringo has a 'fake' American accent.
    They're a combination of where you spent your early years and then where you spent your later years.

  3. #3


    well he didn't do to well at promoting the city did he, when i saw paul mccartney on jules holland on new years eve he seemed like someone who was still in love with the city, totally diferent to how ringo came across and come on you can't deny that he comes across as smug and arrogant

  4. #4
    Senior Member kevin's Avatar
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    Sorry - saw it as well and lost a lot of respect for the guy.

  5. #5


    i lost all my respect for him the loser

  6. #6
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    "Smug and arrogant" (in a lovable Scouse way) was what the Beatles were all about, and, apart from the music, made them stand out from the other groups.

  7. #7


    yeah i would agree but the way he came across tonight was different, you would never here mccartney say what he said like that

  8. #8


    I had no intention of watching this - and didn't - but I was going to post earlier this evening about how bad he is as an "ambassador" and even point out this programme and how I reckoned he would very likely only be talking about his new single and himself generally (was I right ?) and not very entertainingly either. The American drawl in his voice is really, really aggravating too. Could barely watch him on BBC2's Culture Show interview last week.

    I wonder if there's a bit of a movement occurring here with a once-sacrosanct Liverpudlian showing his true colours and everyone back in the 'pool with truer colours now wanting his like out of the way. The Beatles are awesome but they're also something of a cultural roadblock. Am I wrong ? Is it time for the luckiest drummer in history to sod off back to the place he now chooses to call home and leave us alone ?


  9. #9
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    Never liked him

    When he said " John had an airport named after him, I will have to wait till I die "

    Pity he never mentioned his supposed good friend George, who still has nothing named after him. ( I still live in hope that George may get a bus stop with his name one day, but dont hold your breath )

    Ringo is a let down

    Get Gerry Marsden on
    Last edited by Gnomie; 01-19-2008 at 01:58 AM.

  10. #10

    Red face

    I could never understand why they dragged him out of retirement to come back to Liverpool in the first place. Hes not been back here for 20 years not like hes short of a few bob to fly over is it.

    What does annoy me with Ringo and Paul is why do they still do that V peace sign when they are getting their photos taken???

    Its like Pavloves dogs when they hear a bell they know its food when either of these 2 see a camera its the V sign.

    Im sure there were more suitable people who they could have had to open the 08 celebrations other than Ringo?

    I know hes not to everyone taste but what about Ken Dodd at least hes never left Liverpool and his accent is definatly scouse .


  11. #11
    Senior Member naked lilac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huytonhead View Post
    Just seen this arrogant ***** on Johnaton Ross with not a good word to say about this city, if this is the case why did the knob come to the opening, i'll tell you why cause he was the least liked beatle and no one realy cares less about him, and to boot his performance was ****e and his new songs. He should not be welcomed to take any further part in this celebration with his fake yankee accent.
    Ahhh.. Yankee Accent.. Don't think so mate.. Doesn't sound Yank AT ALL.. I can attest to that. Sounds British to me.. maybe not Scouse..but, definitely British...

    And as for what Lainey says about the PEACE sign.. Nothing wrong with the PEACE sign mate.. Its' a 60's thing, that should NEVER DIE.. Better than the Devil sign that I see some kids using during concerts...

    As for Ringo himself.. GOOD on him for making something out of his life.. and well, sorry.. HE Doesn't have a good singing voice.. But, never the less.. I think you should all be thankful for a well known icon from your City..If people didn't like him .. then a 10,000 seat arena.. wouldn't be filled..
    Heres to all the great Liverpool musicians.. past, present and future.. May the new ones FIND THEIR VOICE and make new names for the NEXT millineum..

  12. #12
    Guest Steven's Avatar


    Without a doubt, I go along with Naked lilac. Ringo is getting on in years but he is still [Rockin' - Good on him - I have actually met him and take it from me ,,,,, he doesn't have a yankee or mid-atlantic accent.

  13. #13
    Senior Member SteH's Avatar
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    Ross: "What do you miss about Liverpool Ringo?"
    Ringo: "Nothing"

    The Mancs are loving it on their forums.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Steven View Post
    Without a doubt, I go along with Naked lilac. Ringo is getting on in years but he is still [Rockin' - Good on him - I have actually met him and take it from me ,,,,, he doesn't have a yankee or mid-atlantic accent.
    well if he doesn't have this accent i must have been watching someone else last nite and who cares if you have met him. Last nite he came across as a complete arse hole.

  15. #15


    and as for the i will have to wait till i die comment he isn't even on the same level as John Lennon as it was quoted he is the luckiest drummer in the world

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