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Liverpool to celebrate first Beatles Day!
Apr 22 2008 by Catherine Jones, Liverpool Echo

LIVERPOOL is to celebrate the greatest ever pop band with the world’s first Beatles Day.

The event on July 10 will mark the 44th anniversary of the Fab Four’s triumphant homecoming to Liverpool after they conquered America in 1964.

Organisers say Beatles Day will give Liverpudlians the chance to show the world what an amazing city we have.

It will also generate funds for Alder Hey children’s hospital and the ECHO’s Liverpool Unites which is raising money for a community centre in memory of murdered schoolboy Rhys Jones.

ECHO editor Alastair Machray said: “This is a fantastic way of celebrating our musical heritage and doing something positive for the next generation at the same time.”

Thousands of Beatle-style mop-top wigs and inflatable guitars will be on sale, while shops and businesses will be encouraged to decorate their buildings with Beatles memorabilia.

Radio stations will play Beatles music and ask for Fab Four memories or anecdotes. There will be a Beatles parade and quizzes, and organisers hope everyone from schoolchildren to TV presenters will spend the day as a mop-top.

The day, part of the Summer Pops, will end at the ECHO Arena with Imagine-The Concert hosted by Ricky Tomlinson where musicians from around the country will play their own versions of Beatle favourites.

Special guests and ticket details will be announced later this week.

Summer Pops promoter Chas Cole, who came up with the idea, said: “Liverpool has always been proud of The Beatles and it’s a wonderful idea to combine an annual celebration of their music with a fund-raising drive for charity.

“Beatles Day will really be about the ordinary people of this city, and hopefully in the future, cities in the UK and beyond because we want this idea to catch on, from Liverpool to London to Los Angeles.”

Culture supremo Phil Redmond said: “Liverpool and the Beatles are inseparable.

“The city made them what they were and the Beatles’ immortal heritage has come to play a huge role in the way the city is viewed around the world today.”

ECHO essentials

HOW you can celebrate Beatles Day:

Shave your head for charity and cover it up until it grows back with a mop-top wig.

Cook a “Beatle meal”. How about onion Ringos followed by Sgt Peppered steak and Strawberry fool?

All You Need is Love - propose to your other half dressed as the Beatle of your choice.

Keep fit. You and three friends do a Band on the Run from the Beatles Story at the Albert Dock to the Cavern Club.

Spring clean your house using your wig as a duster

THIS IS IN HONOR OF ZAPS.. LOL.. (just kidding)..

Why set aside another day..? The Beatles Fest is right around the corner in August..bank holiday...????? Any views from Liverpudlians on this?