Hi All

Liverpool Wartime Website http://liverpoolremembrance.weebly.com/

I am posting it again as it seems to have slackened off. I am trying to get interest in it again and bring it to peoples attention.

You can add anyone who served/died/worked or lived during either of the two world wars.

You can add anyone from Liverpool/Sefton/Knowsley/St Helens or the Wirral. Anywhere on Merseyside.

We want stories of Evacuees, People who worked here firefighters/airwardens etc/ Servicemen who either died or came back home/Prisoner of war either our boys abroad or Germans/Italians over here/ basically anyone.

We would love stories of Woman during the war years. Go ask you older rellies for stories on them and the men.

were you a child during the war? do you have any stories to share?

If you only know a little on someone you would like to add then that is ok. we can add them under just a name.

You can also add photos of the person you are adding if you have any.

Look at the site and see how stories have been set out, then you can decide if you want to add anyone.

Please tell your friends and family about the site and help it to grow.


Tony and Ged