Not a Merseyside explore, but I was posting it on another forum and thought that some of you might

find it interesting anyway.

This lead shot tower in Chester was once used to make lead shot (funnily enough!). Molten lead was dripped from the top,

the air cooling it as it fell. It was then collected at the bottom to be used in firearms. Different sized sieves produced different sized shot. Getting in

wasn't too bad, despite the local curtain-twitchers and riff-raff, and we headed straight for the




Once inside, looking up gives you a good idea of the true scale of the place, with the stairs (and old ladders) spiralling

up towards the intermediate floor, and then on to the top. The bottom of the stairs was a bit smashed up and required some climbing, but it wasn't too much




At the first stage the lower melting pot was found, which is still largely intact with some electrical equipment and a

lot of bird muck. The floor here is 'ok', but we were careful all the


Having taken some photos at the intermediate

level, it was time to push on up to the top. This is where it starts getting scary, and you just have to not think about what your actually doing - keep

putting one foot after the other and try not to look


For the most part, the stairs are reasonably

solid. Every now and then there is a dodgy step and you have to make sure you don't slip. A bit further up there is evidence of damage - perhaps people

throwing stuff from the top, which would seem odd, as they'd have to go back down those steps on the way


And so I made it to the top, where the upper

melting pot is, along with loads of bird muck, the lift apparatus and some rather dodgy looking walking boards which suggest the floor isn't so good up here

(probably thanks to the rain pouring in). View down isn't




I didn't hang about too long before

working my way back down. Going down is worse, as you're looking down the whole time. Still, it had to be done, and with a sigh of relief I reached terra

. Finally we had a look at the old washrooms once used by staff working at the tower and lead


