Quote Originally Posted by GNASHER View Post
Rushworths had/have a workshop on St Ann St opp the cop shop.
When I was a youth their ticket office was the best in Liverpool,the lady that ran could get you tickets for any show/concert anywhere.This was long before the interweb and those robbin' bast$rds ticketline.
I was sent to a piano workshop in Brunswick Rd (about where the top end of Staples carpark is now) for a job as an apprentice piano repair person.After seeing the place and talking to the boss I told him I wasn't intrested and buggered off pretty quick,what a dump.
Old thread Gnash, I do appreciate. Do you recall the Nash brothers Piano stool manufacturers of Belgrave Street? Belgrave Street was situated directly opposite were the piano repaires were situated on Brunswick Road albeit accessed via Meaburn Street a little lower.