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Thread: Co-op Shelter Bootle

  1. #1

    Default Co-op Shelter Bootle

    From the Wartime Website

    On the night of 7th/8th May 1941 the sirens again sounded to warn the people of the region of another approaching attack from the enemy planes. On Stanley Road in Bootle locals made their way to the shelter at the Co‐operative store . Basically it was the basement of the building that was used as a shelter, with people using the entrance of the Billiard Hall next door to the Co‐op to gain access. The Billiard Hall was on the corner of Stanley Road and Ash Street. You went in through the billiard hall doors and down steps into a space that branched off into tunnels.

    The shelter was full of people when the bombs arrived. High explosives hit the building blowing out the front wall, this led to the floors collapsing down onto the people sheltering in the basement. Many survivors climbed through the emergency escape hatches which were in place around the shelters perimeter. It is also believed that some people made their escape by going along the the tunnels that led to Little Strand Road opposite.

    Sadly many people died in the bombing with many others injured. It is said that the authorities had the basement limed and sealed? as it was an underground shelter this could well be the case as most underground shelter's where deaths had occurred were limed and sealed to stop disease spreading.

    What we do know for certain is that the bodies of the dead were later removed and placed in the temporary mortuary in the gymnasium at the Marsh Lane Baths. The following night the mortuary received a direct hit from incendary bombs, at the time it held 180 corpses awaiting burial, of these 40 still had not been identified, which included those from the Co‐op. The building was raised to the ground by fire and the remains were later buried in a communal grave at Bootle cemetery.

    In 1988 the Ash Street tenants and residents association erected a plaque to the victims in a memorial garden close to the spot of the tragedy. In 2009 the garden and memorial were revamped. A fitting tribute from local people who have made sure those who died are never forgotten.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member gregs dad's Avatar
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    Not sure if I`ve posted this before Spike

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  3. #3


    Nice one Joe
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  4. #4
    Senior Member burkhilly's Avatar
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    Just read the memorial for this.........again so sad. Spike do you know how many shelters took hits in the war? I have been really shocked at the number of shelters being bombed, I really didn't have any idea.

  5. #5


    Lots of shelters were hit. Most were just brick structures in the street. Some went underground ( The Rocket Shelter did ) Others were basements in buildings. The way we were bombed they were bound to hit many.
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  6. #6
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    To think that some in the Blackstock Street shelter would have been better staying on the tram in Vauxhall Road they all vacated. So sad.

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