Quote Originally Posted by Waterways View Post
Not one African nation has apologised for its role in the enslavement. The Liverpool ships transported them, the Africans rounded them up in the first place.
Originally it was the Portuguese, Spannish, Dutch, French and English who "rounded them up". Seeing the example and how one could trade human flesh for desired goods, guns, powder, knives, pots, pans, etc., Africans joined in the profitable practice and sold thier fellows (usually captives from enemy tribes) for gain. Not unlike the practice of North American First Nation warriors taking European scalps, which was, originally, a practice instituted by the Dutch in North America. The authorities placed a bounty on the lives of "Indians" and to stop the fraud, of claimind killings that didn't happen, by the Dutch settlers, demanded proof of the killing. The ever so civilized Dutch settlers decided to take scalps because a scalp was light and easy to transport. And because the stipend was on a sliding scale from children through women to men, the scalp could prove what the age and gender of the murdered native was.

Shall we demand that Africans apologize for not driving the Europeans from thier shores? Africans armed with stones, spears, bow & arrows and protected by skin shields against muscat, balls, cannon, knives and cutlasses.

Waterways, might I suggest some reading to you? Try reading 'Guns, Germs & Steel' by Jared Diamond.?