Quote Originally Posted by Blackadder View Post

I was a 12 year old scallywag from Birkenhead in 1963 and was sent away for 3 years for nicking stuff and being a pain in the ass. First 8 weeks were spent at a remand centre in Menlove Avenue, I believe John Lennon used to live just up the road. A large house on Menlove Avenue, it was an old stone building surrounded by trees up a winding drive to the front door. I cried myself to sleep for the first week. This was the start of a 3 year reform in order to make me learn right from wrong, I knew what I did was wrong, but what they did to me was worse and unforgivable.

After 8 weeks in the Menlove Avenue's House of Hell it was off to the Redbank assessment centre Newton-le-Willows for an assessment then after about 3 months I was sent to Greystone Heath near Penketh for Sankey, a short walk to Fiddlers Ferry. I believe many of the house master's were prosecuted in the late 80's or was it early 90's for child molestation and child abuse. Oh those good old days of hell at Greystone Heath, I spent many a day with a large bruise to my left and right cheek, but it was alright, the senior lads were allowed to administer punches if you spoke or did not stand up straight or sit back in your chair at meal time.

There were four Houses at Greystone Heath, 1-26 Chester, 27-52 Derby, 53-78 Lancaster and 79-104 York, there were 104 youngsters at the school, each House had 26 boys, I think I was number 33 and was with the House of Derby. Each house had a senior boy who used to go up and down the line punching you in the face if you had been, let say, breaking their rules, if he did not fancy the job he would get someone within the House to administer the punishment. eg If you had done something wrong during breakfast, you may have incurred a penalty of just 3 punches, when all houses were lined up in the yard after breakfast, that is when you received the punches. The members of the staff let this go on all the time. I was forever permanently bruised.
It would be nice to meet some of these bullies in later life, to get your own back, I know I would.