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Thread: James Maybrick

  1. #196
    Senior Member squiggs's Avatar
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    Fasinating reading !

  2. #197
    Member TonyMay's Avatar
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    Default 'The Maybrick A-Z'

    Hi Everyone,

    I seem to have left the world of James Maybrick behind me for the moment but I wanted to 'pop in' to say hi to you all and make sure you all know that Chris Jones's useful paperback book 'The Maybrick A-Z' is now available through both his website AND I haven't got mine yet but I'm sure it will be a cracking read and might just get me back on the trail! I have been side tracked by belatedly following my dreams.. I always wanted to be a singer and never really went for it until about 2 years ago. I've recorded a couple of trial karaoke albums (me singing along to backing tracks) and am now recording a totally new album of MY OWN songs working and writing with my friend and GENIUS producer Harvey Summers.
    One day I hope there will be a reason for me to return 'full time' to the world of the ripper and the Maybricks but for now I guess I will just drop by occasionally. Interestingly, the other VERY IMPORTANT book about James Maybrick and his connection to the ripper murders that I had privvy knowledge about (but sadly am bound by an oath not to reveal the exact contents of) has never been published. The e mail address I had to contact its author has also since started bouncing and I've heard nothing from 'them' either. I had been asked to proof read so it seems that the book has just faded into nothing. All very strange and I must say disappointing as I really think that it would have fired up many a fireside conversation!

    Oh well, hope all are well,

    See you sometime!

    Love Tony.

  3. #198
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by George View Post
    Hi Chris I always one for having a go at the ripper case so here's my tuppence worth.

    A lot has been said that Maybrick wasn't the ripper but have you noticed in the map out of the london streets he murdered his victims close to the same named streets in old liverpool?

    For instance Whitechapel,Commercial Road ect,ect

    I'll dig my volume of the "diary of the ripper" out and look up the streets again,I have only one street that I cannot pin point as I cannot find a detailed map of the whitechapel area but all the other streets are close by his victims murders.

    And remember he was from liverpool and travelled to london frequently and we also have to remember when he died of arsnic poisning all the ripper murders ceased.


    Hello George

    A lot of street names repeat in different cities. Paradise Street, Liverpool, for example, may get its name from Paradise Street, Bermondsey, London. Commercial Road, London, of course is a major thoroughfare in London's East End and you are right that there is similarly a Commercial Road in Liverpool. Being a major road, however, means that any of the murders in the East End would by their nature be "near" Commercial Road, so that doesn't mean much. And of course the other example you give, Whitechapel, doesn't really count because although Whitechapel is a street in downtown Liverpool it's not a road in the East End. It's a district, one of the Tower Hamlets.

    Hi Tony

    Nice to see you back here. Don't stay away so long next time.

    Thanks for the tip about Chris Jones' book on the Maybricks as well as his excellent website, which anyone interested in the Maybricks will find very helpful. Good luck to you in your musical ventures, Tony.

    Meanwhile, is the other book you mention the Steve Powell book about his alleged involvement in concocting the Diary with one Steve Park (said to be from Birkenhead), down in Australia?

    All the best

    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
    Editor, Loch Raven Review
    Chris on Flickr and on MySpace

  4. #199
    Member TonyMay's Avatar
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    Default 'The Other Book'

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! I wish I had had more of those years ago when I was still young enough to have tried to make a career out of singing/entertainment.

    To answer your question regarding the 'other book' I can tell you that it was nothing whatsoever to do with Steve Park and his Australian story. I actually believe some of what he says (that he did know Anne Graham and the guy that she was supposed to have written the diary with) but think that he is WRONG about the exact story to do with the diary. There is I feel, a lot more to be discovered about that particular thread and it is difficult to ever do so now because (it seems to me) a lot of the 'actors' in that play have things to hide/protect themselves against so I doubt the whole truth will ever come out.

    As I am bound to an oath of secrecy regarding the 'other book', I cannot reveal to you directly who the writer or writers are. What I feel I can say however, seeing that you were at the trial of James Maybrick and could therefore quite possibly heard about this then for yourself, is that the book I am talking about was to do with coded messages contained within ripper letters written to the police at the time of the murders. These messages link JAMES MAYBRICK directly (and in my opinion conclusively) to the ripper case. They do NOT of course prove without doubt that he was the ripper, but they DO provide evidence that James Maybrick WAS linked to the case at the time of the murders, if not by the police, by his own actions. Now before you burst into a fit of laughter at this suggestion Chris, I would like to think that you know me well enough to know that, while I am a 'Maybrickite' (and therefore a person that WANTS to believe by definition) I am also someone prepared to listen and RECOGNIZE that there are considerable problems with Maybricks candidacy and the diary's validity. I would NOT state my belief as strongly as I have had the evidence I have seen been any less than convincing. With an open mind, I feel you to would have been persuaded that, at the very least, Maybrick WAS involved in some shape of form in the ripper enquiry AT THE TIME. If that IS true, then I feel I have been vindicated in my long held belief that he should be treated as a genuine contender. Wish I knew what was going on with the 'other book' I mention!

    All the best,


  5. #200


    Hey Tony,

    Never met you etc but all the best with your ventures.


  6. #201


    Just finished " The Maybrick A to Z." Excellent. Required reading for all fans of the case.

  7. #202
    Member TonyMay's Avatar
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    Default Hello Again And 'Whitechapel'

    Hello everyone!

    Thought I'd pop back to see you all and see how the conversations were going. Not surprisingly however, without a loud mouth like me on the site, I see that this thread has died a death! HA HA

    Well, not much to report on the Maybrick front these days is there? To keep you up to date about the 'other book' I have mentioned a few times on here, I have still heard nothing from my previous contacts so I am none the wiser than I was last time I posted here. I think I am soon going to do a bit of detective work of my own to try and contact these people again to see what the hold up is. If I can be released from my promise not to reveal what I was shown and told, this thread could become really lively again!

    While I'm on, don't miss 'Whitechapel' (a t.v drama based on the Jack The Ripper Murders) next Monday evening on ITV at 8pm will you. It promises to be good and will run for the next three weeks I'm told.

    On a personal level, the recording of my debut album is coming along nicely. I now have seven songs pretty much there and am really pleased with them. You can hear a glimpse of what I'm up to on Youtube if you search there for Maybrick44 'The Toy Museum'. THe album is going to be called 'Timeless' and I am toying with the idea of having a picture of The Maybrick Watch on the cover! I took a few pics of it myself at The Trial Of James Maybrick in 2007 so there shouldn't be any problems using those pics.

    Well, hope all of you are well and speak to you soon.



  8. #203

    Default diaries

    Hi guys, just stumbled on this thread. Thought you might like to know a few years ago my dad owned a general shop in Crosby, Liverpool and the author of the diaries came in, my dad recognised him being the Ripperite he is and the author told him the diaries were completely fake but its made him loadsa money. My dad was right bemused! I still think it was Maybrick tho, tho diaries prob are fake.

  9. #204
    Member TonyMay's Avatar
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    Default 'Check Out My Trial Video's'

    Hi All,

    I have now posted a three part mini series on my youtube page to do with the 'Trial Of James Maybrick' that you all might be interested in. It features pictures and actual film of the event and the Maybrick related places I visited during my holiday. Of particular interest being film of the newly discovered interview with Florence Maybrick being read to the 'court' and the very moment that poor Jeremy Beadle delivered the verdict of 'the jury'. There is also my own 'A Researchers Nightmare' as a poetry/ music accompanyment to part 3 from my poetry/music cd 'In Words, In Music...Of Life, Of Death' that you will like (hopefully).

    Check out Maybrick44 on youtube to find the video's. They are entitled 'On The Trail Of And At The Trial Of James Maybrick' parts 1-3.

  10. #205
    Member TonyMay's Avatar
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    Default 'Are You For Real Clareski?'

    Hi Clareski,

    As a Maybrickite and long time studier of the diary, I have to say that I detect a certain amount of 'wind up' in your post! Are you for real? I find it rather odd that this snippet of information regarding someone that is allegedly going around openly telling people that he faked the diary of Jack The Ripper should suddenly come to light now. With all the furore and extensive publicity that this story has had, I think it EXTREMELY unlikely that, should a person have been being doing this in or around Liverpool that someone investigating or the papers would not have found out about it by now. I say this because, if this person was prepared to tell a local shop keeper like your Dad, he or she would undoubtedly have told other local shop keepers/people and not everyone would keep such knowledge to themselves (as your post proves).

    Have you got any more information on the identity of this person? Or maybe you are referring to Michael Barrett?

    My own view is that the diary contains at least some of the thoughts of James Maybrick. Whether the diary we have is the original or not I am less certain of. I personally would certainly like to meet and shake the hand of the person or persons responsible for writing the diary if it is ALL a modern fake as I think, if so, it is a remarkable piece of work and very cleverly put together.

    There is a LOT more mileage in the story of The Diary Of Jack The Ripper, of that I KNOW!

  11. #206
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    Courtesy of Howard Brown at JtR Forums:

    Blackburn Standard and Weekly Express
    September 21, 1889

    Manchester Times
    November 2, 1889

    Daily News
    November 6, 1889
    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
    Editor, Loch Raven Review
    Chris on Flickr and on MySpace

  12. #207
    Senior Member Lizzie1's Avatar
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    What happened to the Maybrick children...........and didn't James Maybrick have another family?

  13. #208
    Senior Member ChrisGeorge's Avatar
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    The Maybricks' son, James Chandler Maybrick, nicknamed "Bobo" (1882-1911) became a mining engineer in British Columbia, Canada. He died when he drank some cyanide apparently thinking it was just a glass of water. Their daughter, Gladys Evelyn Maybrick (1885-1971) married Frederick James Corbyn in Hampstead, London, in 1912. She died in South Wales, where the couple lived in their later years. More information available in the A to Z section of And yes James Maybrick did have another family with his mistress Sarah Ann Robertson, and the couple are thought to have had five children, two of them possibly born after James married Florence.

    Christopher T. George
    Editor, Ripperologist
    Editor, Loch Raven Review
    Chris on Flickr and on MySpace

  14. #209
    Senior Member Lizzie1's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info Chris.

  15. #210
    Member TonyMay's Avatar
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    Just popped in to say hi again! I would love to make another trip up to Liverpool and to Battlecrease House these days but unemployment and lack of funds won't allow it!

    To update you all on the status of the new book about James Maybrick and the diary:

    Earlier this year I took steps to try and get back into contact with the author of the work in progress. I am glad to report from having done so that work on the book is still ongoing. Finding enough time to dedicate to completing the book has been blamed for the delay in its appearance but I have been assured that the book will eventually see the light of day.

    I have to also report, however, that this was now some months ago and I have subsequently heard nothing more from the author. It will be a real shame if the book does fail to make it onto the shelves because, at the very least, the contents are sure to stir up a great debate and get people from all sides of the argument talking about the issue again. The tragedy with the ripper case though is that, in spite of all the many talented and highly intelligent people involved in its study, ego's do seem to get in the way whenever a particular persons theory is challenged. That does nothing to aid the progress of the investigation and usually ends up in nothing but accusations and occasionally lawsuits...

    What a shame.

    My gut feeling about the book is not good. For whatever reason, I feel the author has developed 'cold feet' about going ahead with the project. Hopefully, I am wrong about this but it seems strange to me for someone knowingly in possession of a 'hot potato' to keep it in their hands for as long as possible? This itself in my mind opens up further questions surrounding the diary and its authenticity but I guess that's another story...

    All the best,


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