We have so many trendy bistros and snobby middle-class wine bars along Allerton Road these days, yet I haven't had an honest to goodness decent meal in any one of these places. Blimey, can't we just get one nice middle of the road traditional style restaurant that serves great food at a reasonable price? I'd even take a nice old fashioned public house that serves good pub grub at this point. I'm a little tired of all the over-the-top quasi French and Italian places trying to be oh so chic, with outrageous prices, flavourless food, pretentious ambiance, and miserly portions. Did I mention the rude bar and wait staff at so many of these 'new-money' poser hang-outs? Absolutely laughable.

Hey, I'm not saying I'm longing for a place that serves meat pies and chips, but if you are going to open an Italian bistro, does it have to be some kind of haute cuisine place that refuses to serve anything in good old spicey Italian red sauce? Sorry, but like most Brits and Americans, when I think of Italian food I think of ricotta cheese filled ravioli in red sauce with Italian sausages with a nice green salad starter. I think of Lasagna or the ubiquitous Spaghetti and meatballs. I don't think of sushi, fish heads and brazil nuts. Plus, if you do serve traditional style southern Italian food, how's about some spice and flavour? If you want to eat bland, get a sausage roll and chips. And like I said previously, don't charge me a King's ransom either. Man-size portions would be a nice touch too. We're all not little women on macro-biotic diets. Mingia!
