Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
Eh Gerard - good get out clause that but why are you disrespecting the city by sending photos worldwide of such a shack of a place - best keep it hidden eh and you did make a point of stating - in black bold letters 'ALL' not me Ged lad not me lad blah blah blah. But in the end it was you.

I thought you didn't do arty farty -just another observation eh lad eh eh haaa haaaaar.

In case you hadn't noticed Geddo lad..
I take the pics others dont...
shacks, shabby...homeless.. prostitutes...
Midnight on Kenny..11pm down Tocky, Scottie Rd...
3am on the Dock Rd.. Easby Estate.. and all..

I hate Arty Farty matey.. it has do be done though Geddo..
I'm not a pro.. but I have as much a pro attitude as the best of them...

Thanks Ged..
