This thread has brought back so many memories of the clubs I used to go to. Right back to the teen scene days of the The Quad, and Fallows in Aintree, through to pre-Cream Nation and more recently Garlands.

For some reason, I never got to experience The State, something that guts me, given it's so legendary in Liverpool clubland.

Amazingly, I never got to go to Secret's in Litherland either (where I'm from), as they always said I looked too young. Strange, as I was frequenting gay and straight clubs in town from the age of 14 as I always looked much older than my mates. I did however go to the back club of Secret's called 'Clouds' around 86-87, anyone else remember that? Victoria perhaps?

Other clubs/bars from back in the day that I loved were Mardi Gras (especially the Kylie/Madonna nights from the early 90's), Macmillan's, Early Garland's, The She, Jody's, Reflections, Baa Bar, Escape (R.I.P), ESP.... too many, all mostly, and sadly, gone.