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Thread: A singer from Liverpool

  1. #1

    Default A singer from Liverpool

    I remember a Liverpool girl who sang with the Ted Heath dance band, years ago: her name was Lita Rosa.

    I also remember that she had a sister, who was not quite as famous. My query, to the old and ancient on these forums, is; what was the name of Lita's sister. I do know that she went under a different surname than Rosa.

  2. #2
    Senior Member shytalk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boot View Post
    I remember a Liverpool girl who sang with the Ted Heath dance band, years ago: her name was Lita Rosa.

    I also remember that she had a sister, who was not quite as famous. My query, to the old and ancient on these forums, is; what was the name of Lita's sister. I do know that she went under a different surname than Rosa.
    Her name still is Lita Roza , spelled with a Z.
    She lives in retirement in London. Her web page is here and is interesting to read. Her sister is mentioned but not as a singer.
    You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.
    Winston Churchill

  3. #3


    Thank you shytalk for the great link, that you posted. It had plenty of relevant information about one of Liverpool's, largely forgotten, lovely girl singers.

    I had, previously, asked a taxi driver, in Bootle, if he knew of anyone that had sang with the Ted Heath Band. He replied that he had heard of Ted Heath, playing the piano, but said that he was surprised that a leading Tory politician had actually performed with his own band.Another example of off-the-cuff, unintentional Scouse humour

  4. #4
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    How much is that doggy in the window?

    The one with the waggily tail.

    I remember Ted Heath having a yatch and running the country so that music lark must've done him good and when he laughed his shoulders went up and down. Didn't Mike Yarwood used to take him off, and his sparring partner Harold Wilson.

    Updated weekly with old and new pics.

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