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Thread: Any proof - anywhere???

  1. #1
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Default Any proof - anywhere???

    I was looking through google for someone called fielding and came across this forum to do with Most Haunted/Derek Acorah as Yvette Fielding was mentioned so I took a peek as it said Fake and as I knew about the phoney haunted bed mistake he once made, getting the bed and the room it was in mixed up, I proceeded to read through the forum.

    It seems he does know where the locations are though the programme say he doesn't, he carries an internet wired laptop etc, locations claiming to keep their experiences on the quiet have in fact been found to be selling tee shirts etc. Even the 'fors' on this forum seem to becoming sceptics

    What a great big con and dare I say it, it's mainly gullible or love lorn women who like the likes of Degsy or others that seem to bother to watch.

    I'm afraid bits of dust floating about in a much unused room or orbs don't dso it for me.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Anything so called 'supernatural' is all nonsense.

    all these 'fortune tellers' 'mediums' and suchlike - only very gullible people get taken in with it.

    Sorry to any believers looking in.

    I shouldn't speak against my own fair sex - but it's usually bored and gullible women who are taken in with this big con - - other than that - the very young such as teens or young twenties who have not yet experienced life and know no better !

  3. #3
    Senior Member lottie's Avatar
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    Actually, i do believe in the Supernatural, i go to Spiritualist church etc. I have had a few dodgy readers but some so accurate it would shock you. I lost a son years ago, i was told he was there, what he was wearing, his age and name (nobody knew what i put on him in coffin). I was told about a conversation i had earlier that evening. I have presences in my home, they were regular until a medium came a few months ago, one actually grabbed my daughters throat. I hear lightswitches click off and on in front room (they are touch sensitve and remote) and door handles move. A lot of people DON'T believe in it, that is their choice and i would NEVER force my opinions on anyone, only tell them my experiences.
    Life is what you make it

  4. #4
    Otterspool Onomatopoeia Max's Avatar
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    My brother and his gf have claimed to see things but not seen stuff myself.

    Lol I carved kill Into one of his candles ages ago while he lived In his old flat and months later he seen It and crapped one because he and his gf have seen and heard weird things In It.

    He stayed the night at mine because of it. Even his GF said It was probably me doing It and I nearly forgot about It.

    He said he saw a glass smash without anything touching It and It was safely In the middle of a table and It just broke and seen flashes.

    I believe In that stuff though, I find It logically Impossible to not exist after death. I won't go to a medium or anything though, I just read stories for entertainment value since I don't want to trust any mediums.
    Gididi Gididi Goo.

  5. #5
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lottie View Post
    Actually, i do believe in the Supernatural, i go to Spiritualist church etc. I have had a few dodgy readers but some so accurate it would shock you. I lost a son years ago, i was told he was there, what he was wearing, his age and name (nobody knew what i put on him in coffin). I was told about a conversation i had earlier that evening. I have presences in my home, they were regular until a medium came a few months ago, one actually grabbed my daughters throat. I hear lightswitches click off and on in front room (they are touch sensitve and remote) and door handles move. A lot of people DON'T believe in it, that is their choice and i would NEVER force my opinions on anyone, only tell them my experiences.
    On a more serious side, I do empathise with anyone who has lost a loved one and needs some kind of comfort.
    After my cousin was murdered I went with my aunty to a medium - also, my in-laws who lost a little boy. I don't believe in it, but people who are in grief and are heartbroken are desperate for a sign .. and of course I can understand that. However, no 'message' from their loved ones appeared.

    5 generations of my family have lived in my house - two of them actually died here - yet none of the dead ones have appeared yet !! surely my great grandparents and grandparents should be floating around here somewhere !!
    I have never ever seen or heard a thing in this house.

  6. #6
    Senior Member johnreppion's Avatar
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    First of all, Most Haunted was/is crap but I thought that was the whole point. I really didn't think that anyone believed that Acorah was getting his info from Sam. Did they? It was all just a load of entertaining hocum, right?

    However, that doesn't then prove that everything to do with weird phenomenon and hauntings and such is a load of rubbish. People have a right to believe anything they wish and much of what they believe is based upon experience. If someone has an experience that is 100% real to them then that is their reality. We should respect people's belief in ANYTHING as much as we respect religious beliefs which, for all intents and purposes, amount to the same thing. It is only as hard to prove that ghosts exist as it is to prove that Jesus Christ is the son of God: that is, impossible to some and perfectly simple to others.

    Equally, I've met loads of people who have had weird experiences which are definitley real to them but which they still don't necessarily have any explanation for. The unexplained; that's just stuff that hasn't been or can't be explained but you can't say it's not real.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member burkhilly's Avatar
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    I personnally can't stand Most Haunted - although I've only seen it a couple of times. What a load of rubbish! I don't dismiss supernatural occurances, but if really pushed I'd say I'm a non-believer.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Mark R's Avatar
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    I believe 'occurences' are more scientific than supernatural. What annoys me with Most Haunted is that there seems to be a helluva lot going on in the 45 minutes of the programme...
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  9. #9
    Senior Member naked lilac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by researchwriter View Post
    First of all, Most Haunted was/is crap but I thought that was the whole point. I really didn't think that anyone believed that Acorah was getting his info from Sam. Did they? It was all just a load of entertaining hocum, right?

    However, that doesn't then prove that everything to do with weird phenomenon and hauntings and such is a load of rubbish. People have a right to believe anything they wish and much of what they believe is based upon experience. If someone has an experience that is 100% real to them then that is their reality. We should respect people's belief in ANYTHING as much as we respect religious beliefs which, for all intents and purposes, amount to the same thing. It is only as hard to prove that ghosts exist as it is to prove that Jesus Christ is the son of God: that is, impossible to some and perfectly simple to others.

    Equally, I've met loads of people who have had weird experiences which are definitley real to them but which they still don't necessarily have any explanation for. The unexplained; that's just stuff that hasn't been or can't be explained but you can't say it's not real.
    Very well written Research Writer.. I also agree on your view.
    I have watched the Acting on Most Haunted.. pretty haunting that the camera man doesn't even flitch.. Ya think he'd be out the door!

  10. #10
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Never seen "Most haunted", but I do believe theres more to life, than we can easily understand, or believe!
    Years ago,someone in the place I worked in, thought it would be fun to get a medium in,and most of us agreed to see them.My turn came, and all I got was the usual,"who's this,and what's that, from her, until I said "you're supposed to be telling me" she paused for a minute,then ran off 3/4 things about me that she couldn't possibly have known,about my family/personal life,which left me gobsmacked! She went on to "pad" it out with some drivel, but the experience gave me reason to think there was at least ,something, to this kind of thing

  11. #11
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by researchwriter View Post
    First of all, Most Haunted was/is crap but I thought that was the whole point. I really didn't think that anyone believed that Acorah was getting his info from Sam. Did they? It was all just a load of entertaining hocum, right?

    I don't believe that's the whole point of the programme at all. I truly believe they try to convince the public of these happenings and yes them seem to 'happen' all the time on it. It never says at the beginning that it's dramatised, ie - fiction. It's obviously supposed to be real only it's real fake.

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  12. #12
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
    I don't believe that's the whole point of the programme at all. I truly believe they try to convince the public of these happenings and yes them seem to 'happen' all the time on it. It never says at the beginning that it's dramatised, ie - fiction. It's obviously supposed to be real only it's real fake.
    real fake(in) awful!

  13. #13


    I've never seen the programme, but when I was a student I worked in a bar in town and all of the bar maids where going to see Derek Accorah. I was hugely sceptical, but made an appointment. Anyway, he met me at the door and walked me up to an upstairs room .... As we were walking, he was jabbering on about something .... about his friend and a dog or something .... I just smiled and nodded and purposedly said nothing as I was determined not to give anything away. Anyway, we sat down and I picked some cards that he presented me with .... then he looked at them, shook his head and said that he couldn't read my cards that day, with no explanation! I figured it was because he had nothing to go on given that I had not given him any clues .... it did worry me a bit though as I had a slight thought that he may have seen something bad. That was about 15 years ago .... on reflection, I think that he's an unprofessional fake.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Broliv's Avatar
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    I used to watch most haunted. Never laughed so much. Even went to see Degsy in Southport at one of his shows. Me and my mates couldn't stop giggling "I have a message for some one on this side of the room" 5 mins after no one says anything "Sam says i got it wrong its for someone over this side of the room". Total comedy brilliance.

  15. #15
    Senior Member johnreppion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broliv View Post
    I used to watch most haunted. Never laughed so much. Even went to see Degsy in Southport at one of his shows. Me and my mates couldn't stop giggling "I have a message for some one on this side of the room" 5 mins after no one says anything "Sam says i got it wrong its for someone over this side of the room". Total comedy brilliance.
    See I thought that this was more the spirit that the whole thing was generally taken in. At least when it came to Acorah. I suppose you're right though Ged, it is (was) all being presented semi seriously so there is a danger of people taking it seriously. On the one hand you sort of think "serves them right then" but really that's not fair is it? No one deserves to be taken advantage of.
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