I was looking through google for someone called fielding and came across this forum to do with Most Haunted/Derek Acorah as Yvette Fielding was mentioned so I took a peek as it said Fake and as I knew about the phoney haunted bed mistake he once made, getting the bed and the room it was in mixed up, I proceeded to read through the forum.
It seems he does know where the locations are though the programme say he doesn't, he carries an internet wired laptop etc, locations claiming to keep their experiences on the quiet have in fact been found to be selling tee shirts etc. Even the 'fors' on this forum seem to becoming sceptics
What a great big con and dare I say it, it's mainly gullible or love lorn women who like the likes of Degsy or others that seem to bother to watch.
I'm afraid bits of dust floating about in a much unused room or orbs don't dso it for me.