Open Source City
17th - 22nd June 2008
Mello Mello, 40-42 Slater St, Liverpool
Static Gallery, 23 Roscoe Lane, Liverpool
Open Source City is a series of workshops and performances that aim to introduce new people to using open source software to be creative.
Open Source software is free software that has been made by communities of computer developers in order to provide the world with tools that are easily integrated in to your current lifestyle but don't cost you anything, and most importantly, can be developed, improved and shared by yourself and everyone else. This could be anything from a word processor to fully implemented sound recording software.
Our event focuses on making music, and art, with open source software.
Workshops at Open Source City include:
"Making Music with Pure Dyne" - a complete package for making high quality musical recordings and programming. This and an old computer are all you need! Suitable for beginners.
"Video Sniffin" - hack in to the CCTV cameras that are all around us and use them to make your own movies on the street. This is a 2 day workshop, building up to making a film to show on Sunday afternoon. You need no equipment or previous experience for this workshop.
"Creating Open Source Projects" - how to get in to the world of open source and make your mark by developing your own software. For beginners, no previous knowledge required.
Plus others, with performances and talks.
To see the full programme of events visit here:
Open Source City is supported by Liverpool Culture Company Ltd. as part of the 2008 European Capital of Culture programme.