Begins at 7:30 pm
£3 for non members (£2 for members)
I hope to do a small write up on the event, time permitting.
Begins at 7:30 pm
£3 for non members (£2 for members)
I hope to do a small write up on the event, time permitting.
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Mr. Andrew Gill was the lanternist and put on a very entertaining and interesting show which, of course, included a Snoring Man Swallows a Rat moving slide, amongst the dozens of others.
Although Mr. Gill is not from Liverpool, his lantern is -
The manufacturer's name inscribed on the lantern is "Archers of Lords Street, Liverpool". Originally a lime light lantern, the device was found under the bed of an elderly Liverpool woman who had just passed away. The priest in attendance knew Mr. Gill and not even having known the lantern was there (or where it came from), the lady's family were happy for it to be passed on to him.
Along with the lantern a box of slides were found which catalogued a journey made from Liverpool to New York on the way to the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. Some few weeks after his acquisition, Mr. Gill was contacted by a friend - one of only half a dozen or so people in the world who knew about the slides - to say that he had just found the matching set chronicling the journey from New York to Chicago.
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