Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
Nice pics Steve. You haven't got one of the Dolphin pub that was in the Steers House complex have you, I worked in Foster House next door to it for a short while.
Sorry Ged, I haven't. Just something else that I should have photographed but didn't..

Here's another of the remains of the Customs House dating from as late as 1954, over a decade after it was bombed. The cellars don't seem to go down anywhere near as deep as that hole we saw on the programme. One wonders, therefore, how much damage its construction would have caused to the Old Dock beneath?

I found both this and the aerial view above online somewhere ages ago but can't for the life of me remember where now.

I heard it said that the interior of the Customs House was, like the Museum, gutted by incendiaries but that its main structure was basically ok and could also have been restored. What we see in the pictures is deliberate demolition, not bomb damage. Can anyone confirm?