Cheers, a little further out and there's also Abacromby Sqr.....
I think you're all missing the point about the streets of Liverpool One being privately owned. It has implications for those who may wish to exercise their right to protest. For example, if the employees of Debenhams were involved in a legitimate trade dispute they would not be allowed by security to picket outside their own workplace but would have to mount their picket on the public streets at the boundary of the development. Similarly, if animal rights activists wished to protest at the selling of furs by one of the stores they would likewise have to do so from the surrounding publically owned streets.
Call for zero-tolerance security patrols for entire city centre
Apr 1 2008
by Richard Down, Liverpool Daily Post
BUSINESS leaders in Liverpool last night called for the introduction of a “Zero Tolerance” private security force across the city centre.
Lobby group Downtown Liverpool in Business believes a privately-funded security outfit is needed to match the security presence in Grosvenor’s Liverpool One development, which opens at the end of next month.
Howie is quite correct in that this could have sinister implications.
Eg. From say 10pm until say 6am - Grosvenor could implement a gated or closed area whereby if you wanted to take a short cut from Church st to the Albert Dock - you, in effect couldn't. It would be a loss of public highway with restrictions occuring. They could say no smokers, no hoodies, no-one who isn't buying, no big issue sellers, no this or no that - though for some of those mentioned above, it might be a good thing for the rest of us
At present we have the right to take photographs if we are on the public highway. But if Grosvenor/council remove the rights of way from the 34 streets comprising the Liverpool One area, we will lose that right.
I'm concerned that anyone taking photographs will be prevented from doing so by private security guards, and they'll have no right of redress.
Yes Tony - that's another issue too - anymore anyone. This was on the phone-in yesterday, a lot of people are concerned, it was sneaked in on the sly a bit wasn't it.
Everton park would be the ideal place to build the new Royal Hospital, on the site of the old John Bagot Hospital. This is too logical for the powers that be though!