Originally Posted by
Yahoo News 2008-4-13
It used to be when oil was 30+ dollars a barrel that an electric bus cost about the same to run as a diesel bus but the electric bus had a capital cost of twice as much to buy and put in service. Few electric buses have been seen in the last 5 years.
We are already way way off the top of this chart made in January 2008. The red circle is oil prices for November/December 2007.

As predicted the authorities have done next to nothing about electrification, oil is already very nearly three times what it was just three of years ago with no end in sight.
Of course, electrification of transport is a big job that can't be done quickly. Unless of course it must be done quickly - 1500 miles of Alaska Highway was built and opened, including feasibility and planning in just over six months in 1942. What is needed, mostly, is the political will to make it happen.
It won't be long to wait now before we start seeing change too little, too late. I expect any day to see that diesel bus drivers have been ordered not to idle their engines while collecting fares.