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Thread: Boulders/Stones

  1. #1
    tattooed gt-grandma quincyg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Bootle, United Kingdom

    Cool Boulders/Stones

    there are 3 that I know of

    Picton Rd (in grounds of Wavertree Library)

    Coronation Park, Crosby

    and the most famous of all (in Liverpool anyway) Calderstones

    Proud Scouser, with a dabbling of Welsh and Irish.

    bore yourself silly at my Flickr page...anorak central!

  2. #2
    Senior Member shytalk's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Pocahontas.Arkansas. U.S.A.


    When I was a kid we were told that the one in Picton Rd. was a meteorite. I like that story better.
    You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.
    Winston Churchill

  3. #3
    Guest John(Zappa)'s Avatar


    Absolutely brill pics Quincyg

  4. #4
    Senior Member knowhowe's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    Chester UK


    We used to walk past the one in Coronation Park on the way to Crosby Baths. I must have read that sign hundreds of times without understanding what it meant but it did have the eventual effect of opening up a sense of strangeness and wonder about the world. But I guess that's why these things were put on show in the first place...

    Further afield, in Chester there is a big boulder known as the Gloverstone, now in the little park beneath Bonewaldesthorne's Tower but which once defined the boundary between the jurististiction of the city and the castle and at which spot countless condemned prisoners were handed over from the castle to be executed by the city authorities at the Northgate and Boughton.
    Chester: a Virtual Stroll Around the Walls-

    The Liverpool Gallery-

    The Chester Shop

    Chester & Liverpool Guided Walks

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