A couple of months ago, I came across a handwritten statement from among my dad’s things, written by our grandfather, Richard Jones.


Station: Central Fire Station
From: Con. 331. H. Jones

To: Brigade Sergeant “A” Watch


Subject { Rescue at Egremont Pier

I beg to report that whilst on rest day on August 7th and spending the day at Egremont., about 5:10 p.m. while standing on the sands I heard the cry of a man drowning. I immediately took off my coat and vest and went into the water and swam towards the drowning person. On arrival I found two and could easy see the one underneath was the worst and in danger of drowning. I got underneath him and brought him to the Pier by the first method of life saving and passed him to the people standing underneath the Pier, I then found he was a boy of about 8 or 9 years of age. As soon as I handed the boy over I heard a woman crying out ( save him ). On looking around I saw a man being carried away by the tide, I then swam towards him and when about 3 yards off him I saw him disappear. I then went underneath to try and find him. Failing to do so I came to the surface again and found he was alongside of me. I then got hold of him by the first method of life saving as he appeared to be unconscious, I also noticed a rowing boat close to, he was then pulled into the boat. On seeing him safe I swam back to the pier. I then saw a woman standing up to her waist in water, shouting and very hysterical, so I carried her underneath the Pier to the sands. On seeing the boat come in I laid her down on the sand and went to assist a constable to apply artificial respiration to the drowning man until the arrival of the ambulance. The constable then told me to accompany him to the hospital. On arrival I took off my clothes, emptied my pockets onto a table, waited for my clothes to be dried, in the meantime having a hot bath and the constable took my particulars. When my clothes were dried about 9:20 I was eager to meet my wife who was waiting and hurrying off I forgot my keys and whistle, which was attached. I did not discover my loss till I arrived home.

Richard Jones. Con 331. H.

I contacted the Fire Brigade Archivist and part of his reply was:
He received 6 medals 3 for service in WW1 & 1 from WW2 plus the City of Liverpool Police bronze and silver Good Service medals for 20 and 25 years service respectively.
His river rescues took place in 1923 and were reported in the local press.
All the back copies of the local papers are held on microfiche in the reference library on William Brown St.

I am still in touch with the Archivist and have had had some interesting information on my grandfather who sadly passed away before I was born and I'm 46 ! so I'll have to get the press info from the Library and fill in another piece of my family history jigsaw.
What made me smile was the fact ( it looks like ) he had to write this statement due to the fact he lost his keys and whistle, not because he'd help save two people from drowning in the Mersey !

Just thought you may be interested in a river rescue that happened 75 years ago. Martin