Hi Jimmin, I remember Dino's it was opposite the Swan pub, more or less. I am going back now to 1963/1964. I am 58 yrs old now.Behind the metal doors, you went down the stairs, at the bottom on your left was a counter, on your right was the Jukebox, the music I recall was "Twinkle" singing "Terry", "The rolling Stones" with All over now, and You Better Move on.There were two girls who always sat on the stairs one used to call her self Norton, used very heavy black eye make up, out in the street it looked like T T week in the Isle of Man
there were so many bikes, it was fantastic.Doe's any one remember an Aurthur Scarisbrick or scazzer, he had a bad accident with a corpy bus, a back end loader whilst on his way to work one morning, he survived, how about Chinese Dave' he worked for Llewllyns in St John's Lane, so a bike was always available to him,he always arrived at Dino's with a lovely Chinese girl wearing a Susi Wong dress on the back.or there was Billy Drysdale I think?, or billy two mirrors, he had a black Thunder Bird 500cc, and my fella had an ex police speed twin600cc I think, maroon in colour he said it went like **** off a shovel, and billy two mirrors said the same about his Thunder Bird but his was faster, I could go on about the bet they made one night, on a race from liverpool to New Brighton, through town, through the Tunnel, theres no over taking in the Tunnel is there, wish some one had reminded them on the night.