Name: Aracataca
Type: Steam merchant
Tonnage: 5.378 tons
Completed: 1924 - Cammell Laird & Co Ltd, Birkenhead
Owner: Elders & Fyffes Ltd, London
Homeport: Liverpool
Date of attack: 30 Nov, 1940 Nationality: British
Fate: Sunk by U-101 (Ernst Mengersen)
Position: 57.08N, 20.50W - Grid AL 0245 - See location on a map -
Complement: 70 (36 dead and 34 survivors).
Route: Port Antonio, Jamaica - Halifax (21 Nov) - Avonmouth
Cargo: 1600 tons of bananas
Notes on loss: At 00.41 hours on 30 Nov, 1940, the unescorted Aracataca (Master Samuel Brown) was torpedoed and sunk by U-101 west-northwest of Rockall. 36 crew members were lost. The master, 16 crew members and one passenger were picked up by the British merchant Potaro and landed at Buenos Aires on 23 December. 14 crew members, one gunner and one passenger were picked up by the British merchant Djurdjura were landed at St.Johns.
Many Liverpool Lads made up the crew,some from Garston