I drive past these signs on Townsend lane,quite often,but The other day I actually wondered what they were for,as it seems daft warning drivers to stop at a red light....and there's 2 of them?????
I drive past these signs on Townsend lane,quite often,but The other day I actually wondered what they were for,as it seems daft warning drivers to stop at a red light....and there's 2 of them?????
I can see why..
There are two sets of lights close to each other. I bet people were looking at the far set of lights and stopping at the second stop line by mistake.
It's a wierd intersection, I can see why mistakes could be made -
What is needed perhaps is a shot at the first stop line. It looks as though there is a cycle-lane coloured strip across the road where the stop line(s) is/are, for bikes to go right in front of the stopped cars![]()
Her is the second stop line.
The first stop line is lost in the red bicycle crossing , it's hard to see where the actual line is - very poor design
Yup, that is what I thought. Naughty drivers, thanks AZ.
The US standard actually separates the crosswalk markings from a stop line, and the stop line is much wider -
All you ever wanted to know about markings here....
Our homeowners assoc has 10 miles of private roads so I sometimes get involved in this stuff.
Blind drivers must have a hard time with all this.![]()
nah... they can just go by this book - page 35 of chapter 3 says the stop lines shall be 12 to 24 inches wide, and that any crosswalk shall be 4 ft away from the stop line. Cross walk lines shall be 6 to 12 inches wide.
http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/pdfs/2009/part3.pdf Chapter 3 only
Whole document here - http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/pdfs/2009/pdf_index.htm
Looks like the UK standards needs to be made clearer....This Federal document is an attempt to get states to standardise their markings and signs - it's worked because the Feds have the Highway Funds purse strings...
They also probably have a braille version of this book...
Our assoc does buy a lot of signs, so I tried to see which US one would be closest to the blue signs in the first post. I think it's this one -
A blue sign in the US is general services information, and nothing to do with traffic control - such as -
Over here, in the rush to accommodate cyclists there is bound to be some overlap. There are also some very short cycle paths of a few metres. This here is somebody trying to make it safer for cyclists to turn right and it has to better that they steam on and just do it rather than wait around for...more white paint.
I just wonder how many drivers look at them and say "Yeh,I know,that's what red lights mean"! Do they serve any practical purpose? I got beeped,for stopping to study them!![]()
Zooming out from Az's map I can see this is a bit of a race track, merging and de-merging from two-way to one-way and back. I suppose it's all down to the timing and sequence of the lights. Cyclist would be risking life and limb tuning into Maiden's Lane while the lights were green. Why the central reservation too? They could put a filter turning right at the junction and stream all traffic at the de-merger point...what do I know?![]()
There was a serious road accident on this road a while back when a woman was killed. They've since added umpteen changes to the road signage and road layout.
There was a school there which has since been demolished and in it's place we now have a new Health centre....it is still a very busy thoroughfare.
The whole Anfield area has been inundated with an abundance of road signs since the residents parking Zone came into play too. They must have used hundreds of gallons of road paint and made the road sign makers millionaire's!!!!And they are still making changes............Lynholme Road for example...........coming from Cherry Lane along Utting Avenue.....you can no longer turn left along Lynholme......so yet again more signs!!!
this is a new(ish) set of lights to aid 2 cars an hour who want to cross townsend.. the stop line on maiden is so far back by time u have crossed stop line ready to turn the lights have changed.
as for the stupid cycle lane come on willya WHEN WAS LAST TIME YOU SAW A CYCLIST STOP AT A SET OF LIGHTS