I know there is a continuing need for progress, and the need to house everyone is essential, BUT! here in Auckland City there are hundreds of high rise apartments that are empty (mainly due to high cost of renting!) and the Real Estate Agents have literally thousands of homes advertised every day in local newspapers, etc. But 'Developers' have to make their 'millions' so the following photo's show what happens! This land was the dividing boundary between two 'counties' Auckland and Rodney, so was considered to be safe from developerment! ("fools are we to believe that"). The developer's persuaded both area councils to 'swap' land' (you have this part and we'll have that part') and thus allowed them to develop the area for more housing. This is the hill behind where I live, and to the right of it is the Marine reserve and the Beach at Long Bay, I know some will say it's 'sour grapes' on my part, but i wonder if it's really necessary? the houses to be built there are priced far above the ability of the average family or young couple in need! "OK rant over! I feel better now!"
1st twoBefore, and How it looks now!