Sanctuary at last.
My Mam looked after me and my daughter, the police came and took a statement from me and told me that they were going to charge John with GBH, and I didn't have to worry about having to see him, the case was strong enough without me going to court.

The first thing I did when I felt better was to see a solicitor about a divorce, the problem was to get divorced in those days you had to be married for at least two or three years, and I was married for only for seventeen months, so I had to go to court to ask for special permission. The Judge after hearing the evidence gave me the o.k.

John got sentenced to two years imprisonment.

My day's were spent looking after my daughter, in the evenings I looked forward to my sister and Mam coming home from work.
My sister was having a fine time going out with her friends most evenings, and on those nights Mam and me had some great heart to hearts, during one of these conversations she told me about all about how she felt finding out she was pregnant with me and I really understood because I felt the same when I found out I was expecting.

I wanted to get back to work, so I got back in touch with my old boss at Kraft and luckily there was a place for me, I got the little one into a day nursery called the Sarah McCard on Shaw street, things were looking up for me.
I had all I needed, a beautiful baby, a loving home but for all that I felt lonely.

My Mam was so good to me and tried to encourage me to go out " I will baby sit" at this time my daughter was eighteen months and thriving, she loved her Grandma and her Grandma idolised her Granddaughter.

I was invited to a party by my sister and I was really excited to be going out. We met up at the Triton pub on Paradise Street, we were all dressed to kill, my sister's boyfriend had some mates meet us to show us the way to the party in Speke, that's the first time I met Tommy, you know eyes met in a crowded room, I know that sounds dead corny, but the truth.

I needed a +1 for my work mates wedding, my sister and her boyfriend had been invited, I asked her to ask" that lad Tommy" to be my date for that night.
We met the lads at the Hanover Hotel, and off we trotted to Kirkby, from there we went into Town to the Iron Door Club, and had the most fantastic time.
We really hit it off, I found he was good fun, we laughed loads, he also knew about me having a baby.
When he asked to see me again, I said yes.

I felt giddy with excitement, like a little girl, I knew this was the start of something very special.

To be concluded next time... Part 5