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Thread: Rainhill Hospital

  1. #1
    Senior Member john's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    In the Big Village

    Default Rainhill Hospital

    The History of Rainhill Hospital and the Wellbeing Time Team.
    Rainhill Hospital was opened in January 1851 and by 1936 it was the largest
    psychiatric hospital in Europe. It was designed to provide 'asylum and comfort
    for body and mind' for individuals experiencing distress.

    It finally closed it's doors in 1991 making way for the governments care in the
    community programme. Very little is left of the building and the beautiful
    grounds that once surrounded the hospital and so the Wellbeing Project would
    like to be instrumental in preserving the history of the hospital and would like
    your help.

    a.. Are you an ex patient or a relative of a patient and would like to share
    your memories, thoughts and feelings about Rainhill Hospital?
    b.. Are you an ex member of staff who would like to tell us about your work
    and life experiences there?
    c.. Maybe you are a member of the local community and would like to give us an
    insight into what life was like living nearby the hospital.
    If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then we are eager to hear from

    " If you know your history, then you would know where you coming from".

    "I could have been a footballer - but I had a paper round"..Yosser Hughes

  2. #2


    I am trying to find out a little more about this mother spent some time in rainhill 40 years ago and keeps referring to an ian mccalister. can anyone help was he maybe an employee ie a doctor or patient? just trying to peice together her past.

  3. #3
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by windycity2009 View Post
    I am trying to find out a little more about this mother spent some time in rainhill 40 years ago and keeps referring to an ian mccalister. can anyone help was he maybe an employee ie a doctor or patient? just trying to peice together her past.
    Hi Windy,
    I actually know this guy(a Geordie?) If, it is the same one,he was a patient,and now lives in the Tuebrook area!What was your mum's name? maybe he'll remember her?! (P/M if you want to keep it private)

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