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Thread: Walton lane board school

  1. #1
    Member SIMON HARRISON's Avatar
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    Default Walton lane board school

    Hi guys, i wondered if any of you could help me on this? ive seen a pic of an imposing building called the walton lane board school date 1875, i know walton lane very well however i cannot imagine where this place once stood. does anyone know? ie which side of the road ect?

    Simon Harrison

  2. #2
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    It was on the corner of Fountains Road, opposite the church.
    By the 1930s it was called Walton Lane Council School.
    Could you post the picture, or give a link, please?

  3. #3
    Member SIMON HARRISON's Avatar
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    birmingham,and liverpool


    Hi phil, purchased, the print off ebay, but it hasnt arrived yet, saved ebay image as my aviator,but i aint that technical, so if you like, i can send you a hard copy when i recieve it, send ur post address to thanks 4 info, sorry Kev if ive broken any rules, i noticed you moved this,
    Simon Harrison

  4. #4
    Guest MarkA's Avatar


    Simon, you can just post a link to the ebay listing if there's a larger picture available to view on there.

  5. #5
    Member SIMON HARRISON's Avatar
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    birmingham,and liverpool


    thanks mark i think ive got there
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Simon Harrison

  6. #6
    The Fat Controller Frank Savery's Avatar
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    Tasmania, Australia. Previously lived for 15 years in Sydney,and 20yrs in Brisbane, Qld.


    Hi all,
    I attended this school in the mid-50's. It was used as an annrxe to Walton Technical College in Carisbrooke Road (opposite the Tram/Bus sheds).

    At that time the front part (onto Walton Lane) had been replaced with a modern-built section where building trade apprentices did practical work.

    The rear part (down Fountains Road)was pure 1850's inside, but we kids liked it as the discipline was slacker than in Carisbrooke Road. The ceilings in the classrooms must have been 25ft high.

    Walton Tech ceased to exist around 1959/1960 when we became the John Hamilton Technical High School in a newly built school off Breckfield Road North in Everton. I'd guess that the remains of the original building would have been demolished soon after. I don't think I ever went down Fountain's Road again, but I believe it all went in slum, clearence.

    Frank Savery,

  7. #7
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    Thanks, Frank.
    That explains why it isn't in the 1968 directory.

  8. #8

    Default Billy Turnbull

    Hi Guys ,
    I've just found this forum, I was at Walton Secondary Technical School from 1951 to 1956. I remember Mr Gordon (French teacher), Mr Finley (maths) and Mr Jones (geography), Mr Bradshaw(physics), anybody remember any others?
    Bill Turnbull.
    Last edited by Billy Turnbull; 03-26-2009 at 08:04 PM. Reason: addition

  9. #9

    Default Walton Technical Schooll Carisbrooke Road

    I Popped into Walton Tech School when I was last in Liverpool in 1987. I wondered around and nothing had changed since I had left in 1958. I believe it is now a junior girls school (or bulldozed!). Anyhow some things I remember.
    Mr Harry Im metalwork. Mr Prescott (I think) English (we used to stick potatoes up the exhaust pipe of his car. He had a lavatory brush moustache ). Mr Gordon French (He could speak six languages and was in a concentration camp in the war and he lived in Southport in a house with a tall chimney . He told us he could see the stars if he looked up it during the day (he was correct). Mr Jones geography. Mr ward was mathematics and sport. The history teacher (I cannot remember his name)had a full head of white hair and would occasionally go into shell shock from the war in front of us all. Mr Bradshaw had a habit of sticking his tongue in his cheek. I left in July 1958 and the headmaster Mr Clarke dropped dead one week later ! I still have my school report from 1953 to 1958 (it was terrible!). I was not allowed to take my A levels as they all said I was hopeless! I am now a scientist with four science degrees including a Master of Science and am just completing a Doctorate (I waited until I retired to do all this). So all of those teachers were right as I achieved nothing in my working life beyond being a hard working labourer. If you see Mr Bradshaw anytime, tell him I was a late starter and that I would like to tell him where to now stick his tongue!

  10. #10
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    I'd guess you would probably have to go "upstairs" to bump into Mr.Bradshaw,now!

  11. #11

    Default Davo

    I well remember Walton Tech. Jogger Jones; Jedd Toolan; Mr. Moses (to be suitably PC I'd better not say what we called him) and the most encouraging teacher for me, Jerry Carr (English). I also remember Mr. Greenalch (forgive my incorrect spelling), who sent me to the Staff Room on my first day in school because, when Brian Braithwaite asked me "What page did 'e say" I replied "32". Greenalch (Chemisty) sent me downstairs where Jogger jones caned me like he enjoyed it! Like a previous contributor, I also had a miserable attempt at O Levels, receiving only one!!! I now have a Masters of Divinity and a Doctor of Theology. Sadly, no thanks to Walton Tech. Great memories, though! For a kid fresh out of Kent it was great to join a classroom full of lads singing Orange Lodge songs at the top of our lungs... in Math Class!

  12. #12
    Senior Member wsteve55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davo View Post
    I well remember Walton Tech. Jogger Jones; Jedd Toolan; Mr. Moses (to be suitably PC I'd better not say what we called him) and the most encouraging teacher for me, Jerry Carr (English). I also remember Mr. Greenalch (forgive my incorrect spelling), who sent me to the Staff Room on my first day in school because, when Brian Braithwaite asked me "What page did 'e say" I replied "32". Greenalch (Chemisty) sent me downstairs where Jogger jones caned me like he enjoyed it! Like a previous contributor, I also had a miserable attempt at O Levels, receiving only one!!! I now have a Masters of Divinity and a Doctor of Theology. Sadly, no thanks to Walton Tech. Great memories, though! For a kid fresh out of Kent it was great to join a classroom full of lads singing Orange Lodge songs at the top of our lungs... in Math Class!

  13. #13
    Senior Member bluesareus's Avatar
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    I also went to Walton Tech as it was called in 1956,later becoming John Hamilton 1958-59.Mr Hogg took over from Mr Clarke he did'nt last long either then we had Mr Baxter as Headmaster.
    Teachers I can remember Lawrenson -Woodwork, Hall -History Joe Green-RE, Harry Imm -Metalwork, ( Elvis) Prescott -English, Ike Moses -French,
    Wally ?- Music, Jogger Jones- Geography,Jed Toolan-Maths and Football, Tyson - Physics.
    I left JH in 1961 it then went Comprehensive in the 70s Changing it's name to Breckfield Comp.
    It has now closed down awaiting demolition
    Once a blue always a blue

  14. #14

    Default Walton Tech

    I also remember Walton Tech and was there from 1954-1959. I remember Jed Toolan as my name is also Toolan so we may have been related but not in any way I have ever been able to find out. By the way the history teacher with the shakes was Mr Shaw. One of my best mates in that period was called Michael McCarthy who, I think, became a surveyor in Ireland. I also made the move to John Hamilton and, after abysmal O Level results managed to get three decent A Levels - to the complete surprise of all the teaching staff. Like many others on this blog I went on to have a successful career and now live in London where I am semi retired.

  15. #15

    Default Walton Secondary Technical School

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Turnbull View Post
    Hi Guys ,
    I've just found this forum, I was at Walton Secondary Technical School from 1951 to 1956. I remember Mr Gordon (French teacher), Mr Finley (maths) and Mr Jones (geography), Mr Bradshaw(physics), anybody remember any others?
    Bill Turnbull.
    I attended this school from 1954 to 1959. I remember all those teachers together with Mr Wally, (science) and Mr Lawence (Building Costruction). I was called a Builder at first but when the head master (Mr Dunn) moved to a new school, the next head , Mr Clark, changed the set up and we moved to Carrisbrook Road.

    My Gordan was nick named Ike because he was Jewish. Some contributors to this blog remember him as Ike Moses but that wasn't his real name. He wasn't a very efective teacher but he had the redeeming characteristic of not either using the cane or sending boys to the staff room to be caned by who ever was at hand, mostly Mr Bradshaw the deputy head. I particularly remember a crazed old teacher who said he used to be in the Royal Flying Core in WW1. He was totally demented but it could have true.

    There was a famous scandal from before I attended when the head teacher, Dr Oliver, was alleged to have bogus qualifications insofar as he had no qualifications at all. He was denounced by his deputy and commited suicide by drinking acid in a teaching laboratory.

    It was a cold, brutal place but some of the subjects such Mathematics and Science were well taught.

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