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I well remember Walton Tech. Jogger Jones; Jedd Toolan; Mr. Moses (to be suitably PC I'd better not say what we called him) and the most encouraging teacher for me, Jerry Carr (English). I also remember Mr. Greenalch (forgive my incorrect spelling), who sent me to the Staff Room on my first day in school because, when Brian Braithwaite asked me "What page did 'e say" I replied "32". Greenalch (Chemisty) sent me downstairs where Jogger jones caned me like he enjoyed it! Like a previous contributor, I also had a miserable attempt at O Levels, receiving only one!!! I now have a Masters of Divinity and a Doctor of Theology. Sadly, no thanks to Walton Tech. Great memories, though! For a kid fresh out of Kent it was great to join a classroom full of lads singing Orange Lodge songs at the top of our lungs... in Math Class!