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Thread: Liverpool City Rugby League

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Georgec View Post
    Anyone here who used to go and watch Liverpool City at Knotty Ash (come on, there were 250 of us). I was 12 at the time, and I remember an aunt knitting me a green and white scarf - because you obviously couldn't buy such a thing!

    Better still - anyone any old photos of the ground?

    Was it really as bad as I remember with the gravelled terraced embankment and the old rusty tin shelter behind the posts at the scoreboard end?
    Here ya go Georgec, have a look at these.

  2. #17


    While i'm at it here are some pics of ALT PARK home of Huyton RLFC from 1968 to 1984

    These pictures were from Huyton V Dewsbury in April 1980.

    If anyone has got any Liverpool Stanley/ Liverpool City or Huyton photos please please please get in touch, i would love to here from anyone who remembers the old club.
    Last edited by huytonrlfc; 04-07-2008 at 02:52 PM.

  3. #18


    Here's a picture of Liverpool Stanley RLFC who were the forerunners to Liverpool City and then Huyton.

    This picture was taken around 1936/37. As far as i am aware the colours they were wearing in this pic were Yellow Jerseys with a Blue Band.

  4. #19
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    where was the ground in Huyton. Alt park? is that close to Alt Road? just before the High Rise Flats opposite Bluebell Lane?

  5. #20


    the ground was situated between Endmoor Road and Seth Powell way. If you look at the pictures, the one with the stand, behind that is the River Alt and then Seth Powell way.

    The one where the players are in a scrum, the houses in the background are on Endmoor Road.

    And the picture showing the clubhouse. On that now stands the River Alt Resource centre.

    The outline of the ground is still there but it was all demolished in the late 90's

  6. #21
    Guest Gnomie's Avatar


    I know where you mean now

    I may pop along to see if i can see the outline, interesting stuff this.

  7. #22
    Creator & Administrator Kev's Avatar
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    Nice pics, where are they from?
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  8. #23


    This is Alt Park now.

    The first one shows what would have been the Car Park entrance behind the clubhouse, but which is now the car park entrance to the resource centre. This pic was taken from Woolfall heath.

    The second one was taken from Seth Powell way looking towards Endmoor Road, the resource centre is just out of shot on the right. You can make out the remains of the old stand.

    The third one was taken from the same place. The brownish clump of undergrowth you can see to the left was once the spectator banking behind the posts at that end of the ground. Further beyond that is the main A57.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Kev View Post
    Nice pics, where are they from?
    The Liverpool City Pictures were featured in a Rugby League Magazine a couple of years back, the Liverpool Stanley pic was bought on ebay and the Alt Park Huyton Pictures were sent to me by a former supporter of club. He took the pictures in 1980 because it was the last game of the season and there were rumours that the club was about to fold. In actual fact they played on at Huyton until April 1984 and then they moved to Runcorn and became Runcorn Highfield.

  10. #25
    Member Georgec's Avatar
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    Default Liverpool Stanley

    I don't know how to embed video and I don't own the copyright anyway, so I'll let you download it (for free).

    Go to and type Liverpool Stanley rugby in the search box. You can download the preview for free, although you still have to go through the shopping cart and details malarkey, even though they're not charging you.

    If you've not come across the site before masses of interetsing stuff for free.

  11. #26

    Default Liverpool City book

    There's a book coming out this summer to coincide with the 08 celebrations and the history of Liverpool City RL.
    foreward by James Roby and authro Mike Brocken, due ot june / july.

    apparantly, mike spent years trying to find another liverpool born n bred Rugby league player and that's how the book evolved.
    I think he found one other player!!

    my dad played for City from 1963 - 1968 (the glory years!!)
    they were beating Wigan in 1966 and the ref played 8 minutes 'injury time', Boston going over to win the game late on.

    some good pics earlier in the thread too.

    Dave J

  12. #27
    Senior Member shoney's Avatar
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    I think Billy McGinty came from prescot ?, he played for wigan and gt britain

  13. #28


    ...meant scouser who had played for Liverpool City / Stanley. no-one ever did!
    Len Ashby played for GB then for Liverpool City one and only international player!

    it's always been a mystery (to me anyway) why RL has a massive following in St Helens but once you go 3 miles or inside the M57 hardly anyone follows the game?

    remember filming prescot panthers game when they beat doncaster with a last minute try ending 48 games without a win (2 draws though!)

  14. #29
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prescot98 View Post
    it's always been a mystery (to me anyway) why RL has a massive following in St Helens but once you go 3 miles or inside the M57 hardly anyone follows the game?
    Liverpool RUFC is the oldest open rugby club in the world. Before football was introduced, rugby was very popular in Liverpool. Liverpool RUFC complained when Everton FC and Athletic Grounds Ltd applied to change its name to Liverpool. That is why AFC was put there to distinguish between the two.
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  15. #30


    does liverpool rufc have any early memorabilia?
    Manchester (RU)FC claims to be one of the oldest RU clubs (typical manchester..always following never leading!!) and claims to be one of the original entrants into the new FA cup in 1874!

    however, my point is more focussed on rugby league and the reasons why liverpool residents / people are not very interested in St Helens / RL in general?

    maybe the Liverpool rugby league book will explain more

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