Richard by the grace of god King of England and France and Lord of Ireland to the archbishops, bishops abbots priors dukes earls barons knights justices sheriffs reeves bailiffs and others his faithful subjects greeting. We have inspected the charters of confirmation of the Lord Edward late King of our grandfather to our beloved Burgesses of the town of Liverpool made in these words (then follows Edwards Charter) And we holding firm and pleasing the aforesaid grants and confirmations of our said grandfather and of our others the ancestors (that clause above expressed that no one who is not of that guild shall transact any business in that borough except by the consent of the same Burgesses being entirely excepted) do for us and our heirs as far as in us lies according to the tenor of the aforesaid charter of our special grace accept approve ratify and to the aforenamed Burgesses and their heirs and successors being Burgesses of the aforesaid borough we do by the tenor of the presents grant and confirm them as the aforesaid charter reasonably testifies. Moreover, wishing to do more abundant grace for the same Burgesses we have granted them for us and our heirs and we have confirmed it by this our charter that although they or their predecessors being Burgesses of the aforesaid Borough shall not in any case hitherto have fully used one or more of the liberties or acquittances contained in the said charter yet the Burgesses themselves their heirs and successors being Burgesses of the said borough shall henceforth forever fully enjoy and use the aforesaid liberties and acquittances, and each of the except the aforesaid clause without hindrance or impediment of us of our heirs, of our justices, escheators, sheriffs, or other bailiffs or ministers whomsoever. Witnesses the venerable fathers W. the confirmed elect of Canterbury. R. Bishop of London and W. Bishop of Winchester, John King of Castile and Leon Duke of Lancaster, Thomas Earl of Buckingham our dearest uncles Richard earl of Arundel, Thomas Earl of Warwick, Richard Le Scrope our Chancellor, Hugh of Segrave our treasurer, John de Montacute Seneschal of our Household and others. Given by our hand at Westminster on the eleventh day of June.