Hi all
Just found this forum and I have to say what a lovely bunch you all are.
I'm hoping someone might be able to help me trace living decendants of Margaret Armstrong and Samuel Gilchrist who married in 1924 at St Mary's in Kirkdale. Margaret and Samuel may have had a son born in 1925 named Alastair B Gilchrist. Alastair married Margaret Mary Hardy in 1951 at St Hilda's, Hunts Cross.
Margaret Armstrong was the daughter of John Armstrong and Ellen Peplow Prince (formerly Whitcomb- this was Ellen's second marriage). Ellen was born in North Andover, Massachusetts in 1865 to parents Ann Peplow and Charles Thacher Whitcomb but the family had moved back to Liverpool by the time the 1871 census was taken. If anyone can make any connection or you know anyone with these names who has past connections to America with these names please get in touch as we would dearly love to contact them and include them in our family research. My email address is
Many thanks
Nickie x