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Thread: Help with ID

  1. #1
    Location Kensington drone_pilot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Help with ID

    Can anyone ID this building and who owned it when it was first built.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	what.jpg 
Views:	300 
Size:	399.8 KB 
ID:	3069  

  2. #2
    Guest PhilipG's Avatar


    This was another building by the architect of the Royal Liver Building.
    W Aubrey Thomas.
    The address is 81-89 Lord Street.
    It was built in 1901 as the Lord Street Arcade.
    Something like the Wayfarer's Arcade in Southport with shops on two levels on either side and a glass and cast-iron roof down the centre.
    I don't know who actually owned it.
    That sort of information rarely becomes public unless, like buildings such as the Royal Liver Building, they were named after their owners.

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